Hobbes archive

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Directory: /apps/internet/misc Updated: Mar 9, 2008
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(Local download):
.00index.html-303-[FTP] [HTTP]
00indexd.txt-5317-[FTP] [HTTP]
.00tmp08-03-20085317-[FTP] [HTTP]
.file.idx08-03-200820977-[FTP] [HTTP]
.search.idx08-03-200820973-[FTP] [HTTP]
00files.txt24-01-200832524-[FTP] [HTTP]
00filesd.txt24-01-200832524-[FTP] [HTTP]
00global.txt24-01-20085317-[FTP] [HTTP]
00globald.txt24-01-20085317-[FTP] [HTTP]
2hobbes103.zip18-12-200316698automatic uploader for hobbes[FTP] [HTTP]
2hobbes104.zip07-10-200416959automatic uploader for hobbes[FTP] [HTTP]
agos2_145.exe11-06-2002283143AGSatellite/2 1.45[FTP] [HTTP]
agsj_103.zip11-06-2002146085AGSatellite for Java 1.03 (Beta).[FTP] [HTTP]
bandit_v120.zip15-09-1997499947Bandit Tagger for OS/2: Add taglines to email and newsgroup posts[FTP] [HTTP]
converse.zip15-09-1995211778KA9Q NOS Converse client for TCP/IP[FTP] [HTTP]
ctorrent.zip31-01-2005214157CTorrent v1.3.2 b2[FTP] [HTTP]
curl741.zip06-11-2000227750Curl is a tool for getting a file using URL syntax.[FTP] [HTTP]
dtocv5e2.exe13-08-20024346736IBM Desktop On-Call Version 5 English for eComStation and OS/2 Warp[FTP] [HTTP]
ebw10a.zip31-07-2000331221Freeware eBay Auction Management tool[FTP] [HTTP]
elem-os2.zip26-06-1997874118Element.ary! (1.9g) Weather program[FTP] [HTTP]
faxd_071.zip08-04-1997108114FAXD - internet to fax gateway using OS/2 Warp and FaxWorks. Server receives files over internet and sends via fax.[FTP] [HTTP]
ffeu101.zip02-12-1995114147GUI front end for TCP/IP finger command[FTP] [HTTP]
fingd105.zip20-12-19969426Finger server - supports multi-users, inetd, logging[FTP] [HTTP]
fingerd2.zip30-01-199551844A finger server (req. IBM TCP/IP & rxSock DLL)[FTP] [HTTP]
fsp2_10a.zip30-01-1995272178FSP/2 v1.0a, an FSP file transfer client[FTP] [HTTP]
gcpfng10.zip02-09-1995510468Gibbon Finger/Finger daemon[FTP] [HTTP]
gopher.zip30-01-1995126524Gopher Client v1.16 (req. IBM TCP/IP)[FTP] [HTTP]
goserv.zip30-01-199560163Gopher Server (req. IBM TCP/IP)[FTP] [HTTP]
hihoteln.zip30-01-1995400013List of several Internet services & sites[FTP] [HTTP]
hugs101o.zip16-04-1996352124Haskell Users Gofer System v1.01 for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
ident10.zip26-11-19965134Ident-d server/daemon for OS/2 (Very small)[FTP] [HTTP]
identd.zip14-04-200439957-[FTP] [HTTP]
identd12.zip09-08-200453039identd server for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
identd13.zip19-10-200453121identd server for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
identd131.zip03-11-200452020identd server for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
istart11.zip03-12-2002107581Starts applications once an Internet connection is established.[FTP] [HTTP]
micq2.zip28-10-1998238910Micq, a free textmode icq clone[FTP] [HTTP]
mlink082.zip06-02-200232236TCP Link Mapper (mlink) v0.8.2 /portmap utility/[FTP] [HTTP]
murry130.zip11-03-1998414524Murray for OS/2 v1.30[FTP] [HTTP]
napster_os2_10alpha2.zip04-04-2000198842OS/2 Napster clone[FTP] [HTTP]
netgrab.zip14-04-2004421154Netgrab 1.0 (1997-06-12) Netgrab is a full featured command line client mainly for use in batch file programming. It incoprorates FINGER, FTP, GOPHER, HTTP, NNTP, POPMAIL, and TIME clients in one program. Includes Source Code.[FTP] [HTTP]
nlok224.zip15-06-19991209929Internet notifier for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
os2gofer.zip30-01-199522462Gopher client (requires VREXX & TCP/IP)[FTP] [HTTP]
os2isca8.zip14-01-199641284Text mode client for ISCA Internet BBS (req. emxrt.zip)[FTP] [HTTP]
os2wais.zip30-01-1995234239Wide Area Information Server client (req. IBM TCP/IP)[FTP] [HTTP]
os2yawc.zip25-12-199659175Port of the YAWC BBS client, for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
pluto170.zip27-11-20001388407Pluto IKE Server 1.70 for OS/2.[FTP] [HTTP]
pmdc060.wpi19-03-2001523324PM Download Center 0.60[FTP] [HTTP]
pmnapster364.zip03-12-2002697315PMNapster 3.6.4 for OS/2 and eCS[FTP] [HTTP]
pmvnc-1.02-bin.zip21-10-2004461657PMVNC version 1.02, VNC SERVER for 32-bit OS/2 PM[FTP] [HTTP]
pmvnc-1.02-src.zip21-10-2004482010PMVNC version 1.02, VNC SERVER (Source Code)[FTP] [HTTP]
pmvnc100.zip19-12-2000134058OS/2 PM VNC Viewer (Client)[FTP] [HTTP]
pmvnc100_ow.zip22-11-2006251588OS/2 PM VNC Viewer (Client) Open Watcom Version[FTP] [HTTP]
pmvnc101_ow.zip22-11-2006251269OS/2 PM VNC Viewer (Client) Open Watcom Version[FTP] [HTTP]
pmvnc102_ow.zip22-11-2006257207OS/2 PM VNC Viewer (Client) Open Watcom Version[FTP] [HTTP]
pmvnc103_ow.zip08-12-2006257735OS/2 PM VNC Viewer (Client) Open Watcom Version[FTP] [HTTP]
popscape.zip19-12-20009952A POP client for OS/2 that creates Netscape-compatible mail files[FTP] [HTTP]
stunnel-4.05-os2.zip04-01-20051119711Generic SSL tunnel for OS/2 compiled with EMX[FTP] [HTTP]
tcpd34a.zip21-04-1999309939tcpdump 3.4 port: network and protocol monitoring[FTP] [HTTP]
torpak2.1.zip28-06-20044621231bittorrent & launcher for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
torpak2.zip16-03-20044344691bittorrent & launcher for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
tragic-i-os2.zip03-08-1999401995Tragic for OS/2 Release I[FTP] [HTTP]
updsig21.zip18-07-200145084Add the systems uptime to your signatur files[FTP] [HTTP]
uqwk18.zip31-01-1995143882collect user's mail/news - create QWK or soup packett[FTP] [HTTP]
vgahost.zip03-02-1999151167smtp/pop3 host for VGA Planets[FTP] [HTTP]
vmodem.zip09-02-19951505List of BBS'es that are telnet-able on the Internet[FTP] [HTTP]
vxfsp_b1.zip30-01-1995413421VX-FSP beta 1, front end to FSP file transfer[FTP] [HTTP]
whoami12.zip23-06-199611935PM & text versions, Display hostname/IP address.[FTP] [HTTP]
whois-4.7.24-os2.zip24-01-2008133331Whois v4.7.24 Command line WHOIS client utility (Internet lookups).[FTP] [HTTP]
whois12.zip06-04-19987512Whois v1.2 - get info on internet domains[FTP] [HTTP]
whoiskg1.zip28-05-19986161Richard J. Sexton's kinder, gentler whois[FTP] [HTTP]
xarchie.zip24-03-1997149354Xarchie for OS/2 with XFree86[FTP] [HTTP]
xvncview.zip16-03-200054809VNC viewer version 3.3.3r1 for XFree86[FTP] [HTTP]
zscrob.zip17-03-200665262A http://www.last.fm client - addon to z! player[FTP] [HTTP]
zscrob01.zip17-03-200665460A http://www.last.fm client - addon to z! player[FTP] [HTTP]

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