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Directory: /apps/internet/time Updated: Mar 9, 2008
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(Local download):
.00index.html-303-[FTP] [HTTP]
00indexd.txt-1253-[FTP] [HTTP]
.00tmp08-03-20081253-[FTP] [HTTP]
.file.idx08-03-20086857-[FTP] [HTTP]
.search.idx08-03-20086853-[FTP] [HTTP]
00files.txt11-06-200711079-[FTP] [HTTP]
00filesd.txt11-06-200711079-[FTP] [HTTP]
00global.txt11-06-20071253-[FTP] [HTTP]
00globald.txt11-06-20071253-[FTP] [HTTP]
clkmgr_08b.zip04-04-2005283649Queries multiple NIST time servers, updates PC clock[FTP] [HTTP]
daytime.zip08-03-2007292341Time and Daytime server and client programs[FTP] [HTTP]
nistime01b.zip04-01-200541707nistime 0.1b (1993 June 11) Includes Source Code. Ported by Michael Thompson.[FTP] [HTTP]
nistime01br.zip04-01-200566704nistime 0.1b recompiled (1999 Oct 29) Includes Source Code. Ported by Michael Thompson and recompiled by dshields.[FTP] [HTTP]
nistime2_03i.zip04-01-200570011NISTIME/2 Version 0.3i (11-aug-2002) for OS/2.[FTP] [HTTP]
nistime2_03j.zip29-03-200570383Queries multiple NIST time servers, updates PC clock[FTP] [HTTP]
ntp-4.2.0-b2-os2-emx.zip17-12-2004540412This is a os2-emx build 2 port of ntp-4.2.0[FTP] [HTTP]
ntp-4.2.0-os2-build6-libc06.zip29-11-20052482658This is a os2 port build 6 of ntp-4.2.0 with crypto support in addition.[FTP] [HTTP]
ntp107.zip07-04-199823407NTP (Network Time Protocol) Client for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
settime2.zip10-04-200746612automatic date/time/setting via internet[FTP] [HTTP]
syncnist10.zip11-06-200724181Sets the local clock from the RFC867 time server[FTP] [HTTP]
time868f.zip26-03-1999104550Freeware RFC868 Server/Client[FTP] [HTTP]
timekeep132.zip29-11-199978892TimeKeeper/2 - RFC 868 Time Protocol Client that keeps your system time and date accurate[FTP] [HTTP]

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