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Directory: /apps/internet/www/util Updated: Mar 9, 2008
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(Local download):
.00index.html-311-[FTP] [HTTP]
00indexd.txt-12149-[FTP] [HTTP]
.00tmp08-03-200812149-[FTP] [HTTP]
.file.idx08-03-200848790-[FTP] [HTTP]
.search.idx08-03-200848786-[FTP] [HTTP]
00files.txt05-02-200878927-[FTP] [HTTP]
00filesd.txt05-02-200878927-[FTP] [HTTP]
00global.txt05-02-200812149-[FTP] [HTTP]
00globald.txt05-02-200812149-[FTP] [HTTP]
JunkBusterOS2final.zip10-05-2002303310JunkBuster - latest version incl. TINYGIF for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
acroweb.zip27-05-19953755How to call Adobe Acrobat from IBM WebExplorer[FTP] [HTTP]
analog-5.22.zip29-04-20021118658Very flexible logfile analyzer (mainly web logs)[FTP] [HTTP]
analog-6.0.zip24-06-20051943564OS/2 port of Analog 6.0[FTP] [HTTP]
analog532src.zip12-01-20042372936Very flexible logfile analyzer (mainly web logs) with sources.[FTP] [HTTP]
animate.zip19-05-19954312Change IBM Web Explorer animation[FTP] [HTTP]
animpg14.zip14-07-199667259AnimPage v1.4 - REXX program generates HTML for WebExplorer animations[FTP] [HTTP]
bbs102e.zip10-02-1998136938BBS: A Free BBS System for the WWW[FTP] [HTTP]
bbs2html.zip15-06-199961481BBS2HTML v1.4.4 FILES.BBS to INDEX.HTM converter w/src (pascal)[FTP] [HTTP]
bbs2html10b15.zip15-05-200332471Command line BBS to HTML file list converter 1.0 beta 15[FTP] [HTTP]
bkmark01.zip01-03-199697605HTML page to use in place of WebExplorers Quicklist[FTP] [HTTP]
bm2wps.zip21-01-199889033Create URL folders/objects from Netscape's bookmark.htm[FTP] [HTTP]
cadaver0230.wpi05-02-20081983165cadaver v 0.23.0, a WebDAV client.[FTP] [HTTP]
cchsr10b.zip11-10-1996146234PM app that uses a color wheel to colorize WWW pages[FTP] [HTTP]
cdav0230.zip05-02-20082009068cadaver v 0.23.0, a WebDAV client[FTP] [HTTP]
cheklink.zip27-08-199866744CheckLink v1.02: Create, examine, traverse, and index Web-Trees.[FTP] [HTTP]
cheklink_v113b.zip17-07-2001154868CheckLink ver 1.13b:Create and traverse, Web-Trees.[FTP] [HTTP]
chkurl16.zip04-04-200039681CheckUrl 1.6 - parses HTML or text files, checking if the url they contain are correct.[FTP] [HTTP]
ckurl162.zip09-06-200014249CheckUrl 1.6.2 - parses HTML or text files, checking if the url they contain are correct.[FTP] [HTTP]
clf_resolver.zip13-04-20009082CLF Resolver scans a log file in CLF or ECLF format, resolving unresolved IP addresses to host names in the "remote host" field of each log entry.[FTP] [HTTP]
commonist317.wpi05-02-20082910776Commonist v 0.3.17, a upload client for wikimedia commons[FTP] [HTTP]
convert.zip05-05-199728793Automatic bulk HTML to Text converter[FTP] [HTTP]
cpicker0.0.1.zip16-06-200331036ColorPicker is a small tool which allow to show RGB value of the color over cursor. Values are displayed in "HTML" format (#rrggbb), so you can use it to paste in the html documents.[FTP] [HTTP]
cplk11.zip10-03-1997118182Allows HTML color selection previewing[FTP] [HTTP]
cw3251b.zip13-03-19982398390Clean & shorten HTML, walk tree, fix errors & links[FTP] [HTTP]
cw3252u.zip13-03-1998292774Update to CW3 v2.52[FTP] [HTTP]
dgclk12.zip01-12-199546449WWW clock, configurable web clock (req: emxrt.zip)[FTP] [HTTP]
dirmap10.zip22-08-199825171dirmap - directory overviews as HTML file[FTP] [HTTP]
dirmap12.zip20-07-200126893dirmap - directory overviews as HTML file[FTP] [HTTP]
dirmap13.zip18-07-200127013dirmap - directory overviews as HTML file[FTP] [HTTP]
dragurl.zip13-05-1998236772DragURL handles your URLs in a nice TREE. (800 URLs already included)[FTP] [HTTP]
expemu100.zip07-04-200421036Explorer "Emulator" for Java programs.[FTP] [HTTP]
expemu101.zip28-04-200421408Explorer "Emulator" for Java programs[FTP] [HTTP]
faster10.zip13-09-199641815Makes web pages load up faster by adding WIDTH and HEIGHT[FTP] [HTTP]
filepage40a.zip07-07-200663715FilePage v4.0 alpha - Convert directory listings to HTML output for local or web browsing.[FTP] [HTTP]
frmchk112.zip05-06-199832138FormCheck v1.12beta[FTP] [HTTP]
gX-0-3.zip05-02-2003668447XML parser and editor for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
getstats.zip28-04-1995139976Getstatus v1.2 - WWW/gopher server reporting utility[FTP] [HTTP]
geturl.zip13-12-1995130221GetURL v1.0 - command line Internet retriever[FTP] [HTTP]
getwp02b.zip21-08-19963912Command line internet WWW pics retriever[FTP] [HTTP]
gif_text.zip21-09-19991438545GIF-Text ver 1.3c: Convert text strings into GIF images[FTP] [HTTP]
gostats.zip23-03-199958060GoServer Statistics Generator[FTP] [HTTP]
goswish.zip17-02-1999163491GoSWISH: A CGI-BIN web indexing system.[FTP] [HTTP]
goswish5.zip15-06-1999314414GoSWISH ver 1.48: A web indexing system[FTP] [HTTP]
grabsite.zip25-10-199915592GrabSite:Copy a WWW site to your local hard disk.[FTP] [HTTP]
gse101r.zip04-01-2000143633Check Updated Homepage Utility[FTP] [HTTP]
gsm214r.zip04-01-2000100134Gismo, HTML Color Coordinating Utility[FTP] [HTTP]
gsm220r.zip16-09-2004124448Gismo, HTML Color Coordinating Utility[FTP] [HTTP]
h2t.zip14-03-19963838HTML to TEXT v1.0, Deletes < and > symbols and all chars. between[FTP] [HTTP]
hl_news.zip15-06-199942381HL_News; A Headline News Viewer (ver 2.0)[FTP] [HTTP]
hmakeos2.zip28-08-1998333048-[FTP] [HTTP]
htm2txt1.zip15-09-199713618HTM2TXT v1.0, REXX command to extract text from HTML files[FTP] [HTTP]
htmck111.zip25-08-1997103139Check for missing ifles/links from your HTTP server[FTP] [HTTP]
html2ipf-0.1.1.zip08-04-1997116207Convert HTML pages to IPF format (for INF creation)[FTP] [HTTP]
html2txt.zip24-01-199723963Removes tags from HTML files.[FTP] [HTTP]
html_txt.zip05-04-2000133531HTML_Txt: Converts HTML documents to Text files[FTP] [HTTP]
htmldoc-1.8.9.zip08-01-20012662174html to pdf and postscript converter[FTP] [HTTP]
htmlipfd.zip24-01-1997132105Converts between HTML and IPF tags and symbols[FTP] [HTTP]
htmlplot.zip17-10-199746642Generate red/green bar graphs in HTML[FTP] [HTTP]
htmltxtd.zip24-01-199746216Removes tags from HTML files[FTP] [HTTP]
httpa133.zip25-08-1997235814Realtime or BATCH Stats & Reset of ACCESS.LOG file[FTP] [HTTP]
httpget.zip23-02-19983702Object REXX HTTP file fetcher[FTP] [HTTP]
ini2urls.zip02-12-1995106372Convert Web Explorer EXPLORE.INI to URL objects[FTP] [HTTP]
lfb_2_4.zip03-06-1998217279FileList Builder and HTML pages generator. (OS2/DOS/DOS386)[FTP] [HTTP]
livecnt.zip25-04-19972085Server side script for Live Java WWW counter[FTP] [HTTP]
makeurl.zip12-06-19953337Create Web Explorer URL objects from EXPLORE.INI[FTP] [HTTP]
mkndx21.zip08-02-20021462Bookmark splitter.[FTP] [HTTP]
mozilla-zip2wpi-121.txt28-03-20021022Convert mozilla-os2-xxx.zip in WarpIN package[FTP] [HTTP]
mozilla-zip2wpi-126.wpi19-04-2002252317Convert mozilla-os2-xxx.zip in WarpIN package[FTP] [HTTP]
my2www03.zip13-04-1998180788WEB control access / decoder / virtual server moaker for GoWeb 4.6.x[FTP] [HTTP]
ns_weird_p.zip07-04-19972319REXX script to patch netscape.INI - repairs list bullets[FTP] [HTTP]
nslogo.zip26-01-199726748Changes the action in the NS logo in NS/2 2.02GA[FTP] [HTTP]
nspatch.zip21-11-19961008Unofficial quick patch for expiring Netscape (official one only)[FTP] [HTTP]
objst11.zip10-08-199524318Start DOS/Windows viewers from IBM Web Explorer[FTP] [HTTP]
pms_123.zip15-11-1999376203a PM utility for stripping HTML codes[FTP] [HTTP]
pms_124.zip18-07-2001376841a PM utility for stripping HTML codes[FTP] [HTTP]
pms_126.zip07-06-2002376113PM utility for stripping HTML codes[FTP] [HTTP]
printurl.zip05-06-199631959Utility to print URLs to default printer using WebExplorer DLLs[FTP] [HTTP]
privoxyos2_setup_3.0.2-2.wpi04-04-20031745468Privoxy 3.0.2. Privacy enhancing HTTP proxy[FTP] [HTTP]
qlsort13.zip09-09-199639820WebEx - Quicklist sort v1.3[FTP] [HTTP]
ra2.zip11-06-19963072REXX file to config and run Real Audio from WebExplorer[FTP] [HTTP]
ra20set.zip20-08-19962024Easiest way to setup Real Audio 2.0 in WebEx[FTP] [HTTP]
ra_webpk.zip02-12-1995455728Install Windows Real Audio player into WebExplorer[FTP] [HTTP]
renhtml1.zip23-05-199839702RenHTML - rename HTML files to their titles[FTP] [HTTP]
rtf2html.zip18-09-1996314492rtftohtml v2.7.5 with rtftoweb support, HPFS/emxrt required[FTP] [HTTP]
s91300p5.zip02-02-19981573212Search Maestro C/S engine 0.91.300 pre-release 5[FTP] [HTTP]
sarg1.4.1.zip16-06-2003282060Sarg 1.4.1 is a Squid Analysis Report Generator that allow you to view "where" your users are going to on the Internet. SARG is ported to OS/2 using EMX GCC.[FTP] [HTTP]
sarg2.0.5.zip19-04-2005755172Sarg 1.4.1 is a Squid Analysis Report Generator that allow you to view "where" your users are going to on the Internet. SARG is ported to OS/2 using EMX GCC.[FTP] [HTTP]
sarg2.0.6.zip27-04-2005749299Sarg 2.0.6 is a Squid Analysis Report Generator that allow you to view "where" your users are going to on the Internet. SARG is ported to OS/2 using EMX GCC.[FTP] [HTTP]
showurl.zip26-06-199826017EXE to cause Netscape to show a URL[FTP] [HTTP]
submit1.1.zip18-02-199883502Submission for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
swish-e-2.4.3.zip24-05-20057231607swish 2.4.3 OS/2 port[FTP] [HTTP]
swish11.zip20-03-1996180913SWISH v1.1.1, Text indexing/search engine for WWW servers[FTP] [HTTP]
swishe131a.zip10-02-1999273676Simple Web Indexing System for Humans - Enhanced v1.3.1[FTP] [HTTP]
t2html.zip02-09-199776491Converts plain text files into HTML suitable for the WWW[FTP] [HTTP]
t2htmld.zip02-09-199784660Converts plain text files to HTML[FTP] [HTTP]
thumbindex_v130.zip28-05-2002406892Create indices of images using thumbnails.[FTP] [HTTP]
tidy-os2-bin-20040706.zip15-07-2004187488HTML Tidy, free (X)HTML code checker, corrector, and formatter[FTP] [HTTP]
tidy-os2-bin-20041005.zip03-11-2004187644HTML Tidy, free (X)HTML code checker, corrector, and formatter[FTP] [HTTP]
tidy-os2-bin-20051026-1.zip12-12-2005187882HTML Tidy, free (X)HTML code checker, corrector, and formatter[FTP] [HTTP]
tidy-os2-bin-20051026.zip01-12-2005320779HTML Tidy, free (X)HTML code checker, corrector, and formatter[FTP] [HTTP]
tidy04aug2000.zip10-04-2001299783tidy. Validate, correct, and pretty-print HTML files[FTP] [HTTP]
tsrch100.zip01-10-199745600Desktop-based net search & URL launcher[FTP] [HTTP]
txt2html15.zip15-10-199885024plain text to HTML converter[FTP] [HTTP]
uconv111.zip14-12-19995705UrlConv 1.11 - Convert URL folder tree to single file[FTP] [HTTP]
unh216.zip03-06-199837318Commandline HTML stripper[FTP] [HTTP]
unh222.zip15-06-199939900command line HTML stripper[FTP] [HTTP]
unhtml.zip03-05-2004183917UNHTML (1996/07/19) is a command line application that can turn an HTM file into a simple text (txt) file. GNU GPL License - Source Code included.[FTP] [HTTP]
unhtml15.zip07-06-199672090unhtml v1.5, Removes HTML codes from ASCII files[FTP] [HTTP]
upcgi.zip18-01-200014525A CGI script for uploading files[FTP] [HTTP]
urlcpyd.zip30-05-200274866URLCopy for OS/2 v.1.1 (german)[FTP] [HTTP]
urlcpye.zip30-05-200274054URLCopy for OS/2 v.1.1 (english)[FTP] [HTTP]
urlget10.zip06-05-19975776Convert URLs in text files to WebEx URL objects[FTP] [HTTP]
urltre03.zip13-10-199640776Urltree v0.30 - WebExplorer_URL folders -> html converter[FTP] [HTTP]
us15.zip09-02-199876115URL Scanner 1.5 - watches your favorite websites and webpages for new updates[FTP] [HTTP]
warpzillaibmjava13pluginenabler.zip13-11-200122517IBM Java 1.3 Plug-in Enabler for Warpzilla[FTP] [HTTP]
wbi20b5o.zip10-07-19971788244WBI - Personal Web Agent v2.0b5[FTP] [HTTP]
webalizer-2.01-10-os2-bin.zip10-09-2002887953WebAlizer 2.01-10 (bin)[FTP] [HTTP]
webalizer-2.01-10-os2-src.zip10-09-20021636018WebAlizer 2.01-10 (src)[FTP] [HTTP]
webalizer-2_01-06-os2-bin.zip05-01-2001229367Webalizer 2.01-06[FTP] [HTTP]
webg022.zip17-10-1996274647WEBgrab v0.22 - Captures URL pages with images into a new .htm file[FTP] [HTTP]
webmod20.zip08-03-1999561689Web Modifier version 2.0, dynamicly updates web page[FTP] [HTTP]
webmodie13.zip14-06-1999659088Web Modifier Injoy Edition version 1.3, dynamicly updates web page[FTP] [HTTP]
weborg.zip01-07-1997264935WebOrg v02.00.01GA - organize Netscape and WebExplorer bookmarks[FTP] [HTTP]
weborg2xhtml.zip18-04-20055147Updates WebOrganizer-created pages to XHTML + CSS[FTP] [HTTP]
websl022.zip19-10-1996222168WEBslide beta v0.22 - Runs a slideshow of URL pages[FTP] [HTTP]
websortw.zip28-08-1996277268Sorts WebExplorer's URL lists by their alias[FTP] [HTTP]
webxorg.zip05-05-1997360430WebOrg v02.00.00.b1 - organize bookmark list in Netscape and WebExplorer[FTP] [HTTP]
wequickl.zip12-06-19953495Create WebExplorer URL objects from EXPLORE.INI[FTP] [HTTP]
wsiev110.zip01-07-200383874WSiever 1.10, checks for web page updates[FTP] [HTTP]
www2htm1.zip05-09-19979235Convert WebExplorer and Netscape bookmarks to HTML file[FTP] [HTTP]
wwwcnt23.zip21-10-1996189637Page hit counter, clock and date web server program[FTP] [HTTP]
wwwos2.zip02-09-1999610629Innoval's Web Willy Watch, a (now) free OS/2 web filtering/offline browsing etc. package[FTP] [HTTP]
xmos2we.zip08-06-19965816Convert WebExplorer Quicklists to WebExtra bookmarks[FTP] [HTTP]
yala094.zip15-09-199720857Yet Another logfile analyser for apache/2 (freeware)[FTP] [HTTP]

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