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Directory: /apps/scrnsave Updated: Mar 9, 2008
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.00index.html-293-[FTP] [HTTP]
00indexd.txt-2310-[FTP] [HTTP]
.00tmp08-03-20082310-[FTP] [HTTP]
.file.idx08-03-20087271-[FTP] [HTTP]
.search.idx08-03-20087267-[FTP] [HTTP]
00files.txt10-04-20079521-[FTP] [HTTP]
00filesd.txt10-04-20079521-[FTP] [HTTP]
00global.txt10-04-20072310-[FTP] [HTTP]
00globald.txt10-04-20072310-[FTP] [HTTP]
BlankIt3.zip10-03-199758240Cyno's BlankIt! 3.0[FTP] [HTTP]
black100.zip29-06-199657814DPMS (Green) monitor screen saver. (req: emxrt.zip)[FTP] [HTTP]
blankr60.zip03-12-19961022470Blanker v6.0 - screen saving and more...[FTP] [HTTP]
bsad_d.zip30-01-1995203678-[FTP] [HTTP]
cybrdemo.zip21-01-19981444731Demo of a fractal screensaver[FTP] [HTTP]
deskext.zip30-01-199535218How to create Deskpic screen blankers[FTP] [HTTP]
deskp132.zip30-01-199593676Deskpic v1.32 screen saver[FTP] [HTTP]
dpms.zip10-09-200231362Allows to set power state of a display device[FTP] [HTTP]
dss_rmt_v12.zip24-06-20059147REXX script for controlling Doodle's Screen Saver[FTP] [HTTP]
dss_rmt_v13.zip05-07-200510041REXX script for controlling Doodle's Screen Saver[FTP] [HTTP]
dssaver_v175.zip10-04-20071373879Doodle's Screen Saver v1.7.5[FTP] [HTTP]
dssblack.zip22-11-200616660Turn off the monitor by direct access to VGA registers. DSS module.[FTP] [HTTP]
ermodule.zip06-02-200291273ScreenSaver and Blanker modules. Uses DIVE.[FTP] [HTTP]
escapeglmod.zip18-06-2003783492EscapeGL ScreenSaver Modules. You require EscapeGl to run this. Drop this modules on the EscapeGL folder. Drop the wrl files on the vrml folder.[FTP] [HTTP]
life.zip30-01-199538355game of life screen saver[FTP] [HTTP]
mazelock.zip30-01-199522023Mouse and keyboard lock / screen saver[FTP] [HTTP]
msi100.zip18-11-1997140961MsgScreen int v1.0 - displays screen messages during absence of user[FTP] [HTTP]
scrutl20.zip08-10-199749156Screen saver[FTP] [HTTP]
scsvr101.zip30-01-1995207510Lockable screen saver[FTP] [HTTP]
smiles.zip24-12-199521524Smiles, psycho wheezer smiley face screen saver[FTP] [HTTP]
ssaver26.zip08-10-1996614347ScreenSaver v2.6 - DPMS, password, Sound, DOS & Windows support[FTP] [HTTP]
ssavrg26.zip08-10-1996620086ScreenSaver v2.6 - German Version - DPMS, password, sound, DOS & Windows[FTP] [HTTP]
w02052.zip19-03-1998799320Wipeout Screen Saver update to 2.052[FTP] [HTTP]
wipeout.zip30-01-1995388496BocaSoft WipeOut screen saver demo[FTP] [HTTP]
wipeoutss.zip19-03-19982161397Wipeout Screen Saver[FTP] [HTTP]
wire101.zip30-12-1995101975Wiresave, 3-D animated wireframe screen saver[FTP] [HTTP]
wo202.zip08-02-19962149646 included files update your copy of WipeOut 2.0 or 2.01 to 2.02[FTP] [HTTP]
wpsav101.zip14-12-1995670432-Impress v1.01, a screen saver[FTP] [HTTP]
wpsav20b.zip15-05-1996118886WPSaver: A PM screen saver[FTP] [HTTP]

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