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.00index.html-283-[FTP] [HTTP]
00indexd.txt-2794-[FTP] [HTTP]
msjournal/08-03-20081536Microsoft Systems Journal-
.00tmp08-03-20085706-[FTP] [HTTP]
.file.idx08-03-20087192-[FTP] [HTTP]
.search.idx08-03-200812191-[FTP] [HTTP]
00files.txt08-03-20089916-[FTP] [HTTP]
00filesd.txt08-03-20089916-[FTP] [HTTP]
00global.txt08-03-20085706-[FTP] [HTTP]
00globald.txt08-03-20085706-[FTP] [HTTP]
aclinf.zip30-01-19958406Information about how PM translates accelerators[FTP] [HTTP]
apidoc.zip14-04-2004432114API samples for functions added in OS/2 Warp 4: DosVerifyPidTid, DosReplaceModule, DosQuerySysState etc.[FTP] [HTTP]
artos2.zip06-09-20051642446The Art of OS/2 Warp Programming (book and samples)[FTP] [HTTP]
charles_petzold_1989-samples.zip14-04-2004212184Charles Petzold, Programming The OS/2 Presentation Manager, 1989. Source code files.[FTP] [HTTP]
charles_petzold_1989.zip14-04-2004343530Charles Petzold, Programming The OS/2 Presentation Manager, 1989. ISBN 1-55615-170-5.[FTP] [HTTP]
codepages.zip14-04-20041794581Keyboards And Codepages In OS/2 Warp. From Russian To Japanese.[FTP] [HTTP]
gcc-help-refguide-1-0.zip24-08-2006137013An Introduction to GCC by B.Gough in OS/2 INF format[FTP] [HTTP]
gcc-helprefguide-1-0.zip24-08-2006136656An Introduction to GCC by B.Gough in OS/2 INF format[FTP] [HTTP]
ifsinf.zip30-01-1995154308How to create an Installable File System (.IFS)[FTP] [HTTP]
infmix.zip27-07-19993173819documentation in OS/2 *.inf format ( gnu, linux, ...)[FTP] [HTTP]
lxexe.doc30-01-199579298Linear Executable Module Format documentation[FTP] [HTTP]
mchm.zip07-06-20065385496Russian translation of "The Mythical Man-Month". Self-made typewriter pages from 70s.[FTP] [HTTP]
mkhkb2.zip30-01-199535969How to monitor all keyboard activity[FTP] [HTTP]
mmcddb10.zip03-11-19974646Structure of the OS/2 MM CD Player's database[FTP] [HTTP]
objlib.zip30-01-199516329OS/2 .OBJ/.LIB formats[FTP] [HTTP]
os2book-ru-src.zip05-05-20064434589OS/2 API Research book, written in Russian (cyrillic), plain text (IPF files). 2nd edition (2006).[FTP] [HTTP]
os2book-ru.zip05-05-20064668202OS/2 API Research book, written in Russian (cyrillic), INF file format. 2nd edition (2006).[FTP] [HTTP]
os2dd.zip29-01-2007407809OS/2 Device Driver Frequently Asked Questions (DDK/2 FAQ)[FTP] [HTTP]
os2dump.zip02-09-199560483How stacks are created/used & info on 16-bit dumps[FTP] [HTTP]
os2ifs.zip14-04-2004345709Installable File Systems For OS/2 Warp.[FTP] [HTTP]
pdpsiinf.zip09-06-200079100An INF file with the new PDPSI docs. V1.0.[FTP] [HTTP]
physcolo.zip30-01-19956716Show physical screen colors/how to use palette manager[FTP] [HTTP]
proc.zip08-12-199615417Sample Code and docs for DosQProcStatus[FTP] [HTTP]
redwd55.zip11-12-1996377188REDWOOD - Year 2000 CASE tool beta[FTP] [HTTP]
sysinf.zip30-01-199554873Sample program for the Notebook.lib Notebook prog API[FTP] [HTTP]
tcpdos.zip05-06-1998284919TCP/IP DOS BOX: Programmer's Reference[FTP] [HTTP]
thread2.zip30-01-199510941A sample PM program illustrating how to multi-thread[FTP] [HTTP]
tyglin21.zip23-07-199557604Teach Yourself JBA Guidelines in 21 days[FTP] [HTTP]
ulsdoc.zip22-07-199848295Universal Language Support for Warp document[FTP] [HTTP]

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