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Directory: /dev/rexx Updated: Mar 9, 2008
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(Local download):
.00index.html-283-[FTP] [HTTP]
00indexd.txt-14801-[FTP] [HTTP]
patches/08-03-20081024Patches related to REXX development-
vxtech/08-03-20081024VX-REXX Tech-
.00tmp08-03-200817044-[FTP] [HTTP]
.file.idx08-03-200846439-[FTP] [HTTP]
.search.idx08-03-200850859-[FTP] [HTTP]
00files.txt08-03-200868637-[FTP] [HTTP]
00filesd.txt08-03-200868637-[FTP] [HTTP]
00global.txt08-03-200817044-[FTP] [HTTP]
00globald.txt08-03-200817044-[FTP] [HTTP]
CodeAnalyzer002.zip20-08-200362459Map REXX program function and subroutine references.[FTP] [HTTP]
DrDlgFix.zip28-02-20013533Fix for DrDialog and Object Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
DrDlgRc.zip28-02-200156021Fix for DrDialog - for converting Rexx applications into *.Exe[FTP] [HTTP]
RXTT34.zip21-04-2003719473REXX Tips & Tricks v3.40[FTP] [HTTP]
VXRCSDem.zip05-10-20016241238Watcom VX-REXX Client-Server Demostration Edition v2.1[FTP] [HTTP]
addeg.zip24-11-199627183AddGE.ZIP - Simple OS/2 REXX program to add values of invoices[FTP] [HTTP]
advrexx.zip30-10-200032312Advanced REXX Programming Topics[FTP] [HTTP]
base64.zip31-01-19952857Encode/decode files in Base64[FTP] [HTTP]
bdsom1.zip31-01-199510179Build SOM - a REXX procedure that creates WPS objects[FTP] [HTTP]
blkos207.zip30-01-199540682Blkos2 v0.7, Rexx command line extensions[FTP] [HTTP]
blt2rx_o.zip15-10-1996293265REXX Bullet v2.105 - DBF/DBT/NLS/external database engine[FTP] [HTTP]
cgiparse_107.zip17-03-19971642a REXX CGIparse procedure for those writing REXX CGI scripts[FTP] [HTTP]
change2.zip23-11-199618676REXX batch files are practical tools to change drive/directory[FTP] [HTTP]
checkfunc104.zip15-08-200516976CheckFunc 1.04. Mini-parser for REXX that finds all the variables and function calls in a program.[FTP] [HTTP]
cjdk117.zip19-01-19993528Breaks the ALLNAMES.HTML file into smaller pieces.[FTP] [HTTP]
classedi.zip31-01-1995283185VxRexx Class editor[FTP] [HTTP]
cmdline1.zip31-01-199518056Powerful data input routine for REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
codeanalyzer007.zip19-09-2003111458Map REXX program function and subroutine references.[FTP] [HTTP]
color.zip03-02-19953948Set screen colors for OS/2 text sessions[FTP] [HTTP]
colordlg.zip08-10-19952873A simple color selection dialog for VX-Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
datergf2.zip03-05-199622117REXX procedures for doing math with dates[FTP] [HTTP]
defprn.cmd03-02-1995569A REXX script which determines the default printer port[FTP] [HTTP]
deldir.zip03-02-19951910A REXX script with deletes an entire directory subtree[FTP] [HTTP]
deskutil.zip31-01-199521664Info on the REXX SysCreateObject functions (2 samples)[FTP] [HTTP]
dmrxwps1.zip03-08-199621416REXX library that augments RexUtil's WPS capabilities[FTP] [HTTP]
doscopy.zip22-11-200422602COPY command for REXX (overwrites existing file)[FTP] [HTTP]
dossleep.zip13-09-200119191small progamm with src to make your cmds a bit smarter[FTP] [HTTP]
drdialog.zip04-04-2000864109Freeware application builder from IBM Developer Connection[FTP] [HTTP]
drdlgrc.zip17-07-200160891Fix for DrDialog - for converting Rexx applications into *.Exe NEW VERSION[FTP] [HTTP]
etools.zip31-01-199531406a collection of REXX cmd files and misc tools[FTP] [HTTP]
fgrexx10.zip15-06-1999874Sample for switching a REXX proc. into the foreground[FTP] [HTTP]
file2dat.zip10-04-19963777REXX script says how old file is[FTP] [HTTP]
filerx11.zip01-12-1995102431FileRexx v1.1, deal with binary files in Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
fortran2rexx.zip24-08-2000110817Assist in converting FORTRAN source 2 REXX.[FTP] [HTTP]
ft.zip31-01-19959854Routine which changes file type EAs[FTP] [HTTP]
gbj111.zip28-07-199787528GETOBJ v1.11 - get the settings of WPS objects[FTP] [HTTP]
gif_info.zip11-03-199941540REXX utilities for extracting info from GIF files.[FTP] [HTTP]
gpfrx12c.zip29-11-19995064935GPF Rexx Visual GUI programming toolkit v.1.2c[FTP] [HTTP]
greed223.zip29-04-19991190893General Rexx Extended Editor 2.23[FTP] [HTTP]
grfxrexx.zip25-09-19956131REXX utils to fetch information from graphics files[FTP] [HTTP]
grxsum.zip31-01-19959272SoftTouch Systems REXX SuperSet/2 info[FTP] [HTTP]
guestbk.zip11-02-199660456REXX Guest book for your Warp powered WWW server[FTP] [HTTP]
iconresource100.zip25-07-200122315(v1.00) WPS ICONRESOURCE demo package - FREEWARE[FTP] [HTTP]
icrexx.zip31-01-199531365IBM Continuous Speech REXX Interface[FTP] [HTTP]
indtr100.zip14-12-19994498REXX Command Formatter - Indenter[FTP] [HTTP]
julian.zip15-09-19977598Astronomical Julian Day conversion programs[FTP] [HTTP]
lanxcopy.zip09-08-199669389LANXCopy (NETBIOS) notification program (REXX)[FTP] [HTTP]
lp_tmplt.zip25-09-1995991REXX script for creating a LaunchPad Template[FTP] [HTTP]
mailproc.zip16-03-200012191Control your PC via emails 1.01[FTP] [HTTP]
mkbko021.zip30-03-19955680Make Book Object, script that creates icons for .INFs[FTP] [HTTP]
mkey.zip22-01-200222556REXX DLL keyboard scan with time-out[FTP] [HTTP]
mnrexx10.zip31-01-1995135352Get access to WPS objects from Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
mruntime.zip12-01-200448044REXX DLL for mouse support[FTP] [HTTP]
mtchprps.zip08-10-19955903Match properties external macro for VX-Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
nrexxsyn.zip21-12-19965580Syntax Highlighting for NetRexx[FTP] [HTTP]
number11.zip19-05-199623102Converts a number into letters in English, Spanish, Catalan[FTP] [HTTP]
objrexx.zip01-07-19972113056ObjectREXX[FTP] [HTTP]
olbox100.zip15-06-19995013Listbox/menu object in OREXX.[FTP] [HTTP]
openfdr4.zip31-01-19954372Open folders from a popup menu (req. REXX & 4OS2)[FTP] [HTTP]
password.zip10-10-200283517Password/2 0.1[FTP] [HTTP]
pds.zip31-01-1995310987Panel Display System, user interface system for REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
prtgraph_2.2.zip08-07-2002412591Version 2.2 of Peter Kanis' Print Graph library for REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
prtgraph_src.zip24-06-20021644858Source code PrtGraph and VRPrint libraries.[FTP] [HTTP]
prxutl10.zip03-02-199570331A collection of REXX utilities/functions[FTP] [HTTP]
pushd21.zip30-01-19955226REXX programs for implementing csh pushd/popd/dirs[FTP] [HTTP]
pyrxutil_20030903_en.zip05-09-2003244380REXX DLL providing access to system API functions (english doc.)[FTP] [HTTP]
pyrxutil_20030903_ru.zip05-09-2003314220REXX DLL providing access to system API functions (russian doc.)[FTP] [HTTP]
quotword.zip04-06-19983630REXX Word()-like function which recognizes quoted strings[FTP] [HTTP]
r-w_tiff.zip16-03-2000656248Read and Write TIFF file tags and images.[FTP] [HTTP]
rc321.zip07-12-1997234201REXXCC v3.21 - tiny REXX 'compiler'[FTP] [HTTP]
regina31html.zip23-07-2003304236Docs for Regina Rexx v3.1[FTP] [HTTP]
rex32os2.zip23-07-2003977668Regina Rexx Interpreter Version 3.2[FTP] [HTTP]
rexioos2.zip19-12-2000215449LesTec RexxIo Version 4.6 Freeware version[FTP] [HTTP]
rexmenu2.zip31-01-199558570Parse text file for menu selection[FTP] [HTTP]
rexvim.zip31-01-199553488Vendor Independent Message (VIM) access for REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
rexx2exe.zip21-12-1999207090Free rexx "compiler" (generates .EXE from .CMD)[FTP] [HTTP]
rexx_exe.zip20-04-200620239REXX to OS/2 executable wrapper[FTP] [HTTP]
rexx_md5.zip13-04-2000110519REXX callable procedures for computing MD4 and MD5 digests[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxbok.zip01-12-199550259Learn REXX programming in 56,479 easy steps[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxbtrv.zip15-09-199519427Rexx Interface for OS/2 Btrieve[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxcat.zip19-10-20003081Rexx CueCat scan decoder[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxcobj.zip30-01-19955290Information on how to create WPS objects using REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxcurl10.zip24-07-2003106026The Rexx/CURL Library (version 1.0)[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxgd10_os2.zip23-09-2002451427Rexx/Gd 1.0 - Rexx interface to the gd library[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxgdb2.zip20-08-1997134976OS/2 Warp REXX API for DB2/2 v1.30 - aug. 9, 1997[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxipc-src.zip10-09-200269467Source code for the RexxIPC library.[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxlib.zip31-01-1995240698Quercus systems REXXLIB REXX function package[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxmath.zip31-01-199522091Math functions for REXX w/source[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxobjv.zip31-01-19952973REXX samples for use with OS/2 Object Vision[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxre101.zip19-09-2003201181RexxRE 1.0.1, regular expressions library for Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxtacy.zip03-02-1995154782REXXTACY - REXX to C translator[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxtool.zip31-01-199564717Rexx Tools - toolkit for Rexx development[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxtut.zip31-01-199547223Some REXX tutorial documents[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxuni20.zip10-01-200210776RexxUni 2.0 - UniCode API for Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxutil.zip31-01-199527687Information and samples for REXX utility functions[FTP] [HTTP]
rexxwps.zip08-10-199513399REXX listings from 'REXX Report, Summer 1995'[FTP] [HTTP]
rgiserv.zip16-05-1996112976Function Library for REXX CGI applications[FTP] [HTTP]
rio111.zip17-03-199725568NetRexx class to implement Rexx I/O functions[FTP] [HTTP]
rox.zip31-01-199596857REXX function package for OO programming[FTP] [HTTP]
rs960115.zip18-01-1996109052The REXX Sourcebook (01/15/96)[FTP] [HTTP]
rsvprexx.zip07-02-199611440Functions DLL for VisPro/REXX container objects[FTP] [HTTP]
rxasyn20.zip15-03-1995141760RXASYNC v1.5, asynchronous communications API for REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
rxbks.zip31-01-19954249Review of three REXX books[FTP] [HTTP]
rxcls.zip14-01-199633567Compile REXX programs into standalone executables[FTP] [HTTP]
rxcrc32.zip30-10-200036935RxCRC32 V1.00 - A REXX extension DLL for efficiently calculating CRC-32 checksums of files/buffers/strings.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxd.zip21-12-1996134577Rexx debugger for OS/2 Warp 3.0[FTP] [HTTP]
rxdate21.zip19-12-200047245REXX calendar functions for manipulating dates[FTP] [HTTP]
rxdlg11.zip01-12-1995219689Rexx Dialog, use PM dialogs in Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
rxdllkit.zip12-02-200720155A rexx extension DLL kit for the C-challenged.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxeas.zip10-10-20026452rxeas 1.0[FTP] [HTTP]
rxedit03.zip04-06-199817108REXX funcitons to edit single characters or strings[FTP] [HTTP]
rxerror.zip02-09-199913465Disable/enable hard error pop-ups in REXX.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxexif.zip13-10-2005146487Extract EXIF information from JPG images embedded by most digital cameras. Freeware.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxfmem.zip23-01-199912971REXX extension DLL to query free system memory.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxfnset.zip01-12-19959347RXFNSET, Rexx-callable DLL with system functions[FTP] [HTTP]
rxgd101.zip08-07-1999162831RXGDUTIL 1.01 REXX extension to build GIF files.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxgpib.zip29-04-199924689GPIB (IEEE488) control with REXX ver 1.0[FTP] [HTTP]
rxgwa1.zip25-02-199514398EBCDIC to ASCII REXX functions[FTP] [HTTP]
rxgzlib.zip04-01-2000136556OS/2 REXX callable procedures to GZIP strings and files[FTP] [HTTP]
rxhash100.zip19-09-200369643RxHash 1.0.0, Associative arrays for Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
rxicq.zip27-11-200022647Rexx API for pwICQ[FTP] [HTTP]
rxini.zip14-03-199613228REXX API's for manipulation of Text Based INI files[FTP] [HTTP]
rxipc.zip03-07-199542230Basic Interprocess Communication for REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
rxlan122.zip31-01-1995196486REXXLAN v1.22 access to LAN Server API (expires 06/94)[FTP] [HTTP]
rxlbox13.zip09-02-199864938RXLBOX v1.3 - a text menu system in REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
rxlndemo.zip14-02-2000218164InterfloX 2 Demo[FTP] [HTTP]
rxlogin.zip31-01-19953008Rexx procedure that asks for a password[FTP] [HTTP]
rxlogin1_0b3.zip07-01-19974071Really simple REXX password login program[FTP] [HTTP]
rxlvm_051.zip26-03-200771895RxLVM v0.5.1: REXX interface to selected LVM functions[FTP] [HTTP]
rxmsgbox.zip12-01-200421953Replacement for RxMessageBox[FTP] [HTTP]
rxmulch2.zip25-11-199642681Replaces/counts strings in files (REXX)[FTP] [HTTP]
rxnumlock.zip01-07-200222699Turn NumLock ON with REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
rxpmpapi.zip20-06-199743169REXX interface to PM Patrol's Data Collection Facility (DCF)[FTP] [HTTP]
rxportio.zip25-06-1998136106DLL to access I/O ports with REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
rxps17.zip03-02-19951707Rexx Process Report Command version 1.7[FTP] [HTTP]
rxrsync.zip14-12-1999137292RxRsync: REXX callable Rsync procedures[FTP] [HTTP]
rxsem105.zip11-12-2000139364REXX extentions: 16/32-bit semaphores + extras[FTP] [HTTP]
rxset211.zip14-12-199529317RxFnSet v2.11, Rexx callable DLL w/task & process API[FTP] [HTTP]
rxsoc.zip05-04-200026084Pretty documentation for RxSock library[FTP] [HTTP]
rxsock.zip13-04-200026139INF version of pretty RxSock.pdf from IBM ORexx page[FTP] [HTTP]
rxsql24_db2_os2.zip24-07-2003207799Rexx/SQL 2.4- DB2 version.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxsql24_min2_os2.zip24-07-2003161745Rexx/SQL 2.4- mSQL version.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxsql24_saw_os2.zip24-07-2003182483Rexx/SQL 2.4- Sybase SQL Anywhere version.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxsql24rc1_my_os2.zip24-07-2003255379Rexx/SQL 2.4RC1- MySQL version[FTP] [HTTP]
rxsvm10b.zip09-08-200035535Alternate Rexx sockets API version 1.0b[FTP] [HTTP]
rxswitchquery.zip30-10-200032422RxSwitchQuery V1.00 - A REXX extension DLL for querying the OS/2 system WinSwitchList.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxt304.zip28-07-199764406TEMPLATE.CMD v3.04 - skeleton for an OS/2 REXX program[FTP] [HTTP]
rxtelnet.zip21-09-1999100509REXX Telnet/TN3270 API[FTP] [HTTP]
rxtrans16.zip24-07-2003110664Rexx/Trans v1.6[FTP] [HTTP]
rxtt36.zip07-07-2004772687REXX Tips & Tricks v3.60[FTP] [HTTP]
rxttf.zip23-03-199961281RxTTF: A REXX callable DLL for converting TTFs to bitmaps[FTP] [HTTP]
rxu18.zip03-07-1995163183Ydbautil, package of diverse REXX external functions[FTP] [HTTP]
rxu1a.zip08-10-1999205844RXU v1.a, rich set of Rexx functions for OS/2 API[FTP] [HTTP]
rxuls_051.zip14-01-200870129RXULS.DLL v0.51, Unicode and I18N library for REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
rxuptime.zip05-01-200122620Rexx Uptime dll.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxusmp17.zip31-01-19958031PI2 - displays process status information[FTP] [HTTP]
rxvimd.zip01-12-1995274408RexxVIM, VIM toolkit for Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
rxwav.zip23-01-200374856REXX library for wave file editing[FTP] [HTTP]
rxwavsrc.zip23-01-200341223REXX library for wave file editing (source code)[FTP] [HTTP]
rxweb144.zip20-11-2007148580REXX Function package for REXX based CGI scripts[FTP] [HTTP]
rxwtitle_12.zip12-12-20016784Manipulate window switchlist title from a rexx program[FTP] [HTTP]
rxx1g.zip23-01-1999190213Extra functions for plain Rexx, VX and VisPro/Rexx[FTP] [HTTP]
rxxmath.zip19-11-199611741Arbitrary precision math functions for REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
seldel.zip31-01-19952896Selectively delete applets that come with OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
sputils01.zip16-02-2004288648spTim's Rexx Utility Package[FTP] [HTTP]
textfilt.zip26-06-19957153Collection of text filter scripts (REXX)[FTP] [HTTP]
timeset.zip03-02-19952381Set time base on Naval Observatory clock (REXX)[FTP] [HTTP]
vopnfdr3.zip31-01-19954987Open folders from a PM listbox (req. REXX & VREXX)[FTP] [HTTP]
vpreval.zip20-02-19961179894Working Evaluation version of VisPro/REXX 3.0 visual REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
vprpatch.zip09-01-200247605Last two patches for VPR 3.01[FTP] [HTTP]
vptoolkt.zip14-04-2004281119Vispro/REXX SOM Toolkit for creating Vispro/REXX objects.[FTP] [HTTP]
vrexx.zip26-01-1998187275Visual REXX (VREXX) for OS/2 Presentation Manager v1.1[FTP] [HTTP]
vrobj21d.zip23-02-1998402231VX REXX Runtime DLL[FTP] [HTTP]
vrprint_2.2.zip08-07-2002470846Version 2.2 of Peter Kanis' VRPrint library for VX-REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
vxodk.zip24-06-20021568301Watcom VX-REXX Object Developer Toolkit[FTP] [HTTP]
vxrcsdemexpanded.zip22-07-20023785006This is a demo version of VX-REXX in an installed format.[FTP] [HTTP]
vxrez12.zip11-03-199739180resource binding for use with VX-REXX 2.0[FTP] [HTTP]
watool10.zip25-09-19957672REXX Interface w/Comm. Manager/2 3270/5250 sessions[FTP] [HTTP]
wslsrxut.zip18-10-2001411903This is IBM OS/2 LAN Server* REXX Utility DLL file.[FTP] [HTTP]
xtrarexx042b.zip18-01-200549576XtraRexx v0.42b - REXX extension DLL[FTP] [HTTP]
xtrarexx043b.zip24-02-200562618XtraRexx v0.43b - REXX extension DLL[FTP] [HTTP]
zregina-1.0.zip23-07-20033828zregina 1.0[FTP] [HTTP]

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