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Directory: /games/action/quake Updated: Mar 9, 2008
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.00index.html-303-[FTP] [HTTP]
00indexd.txt-1509-[FTP] [HTTP]
.00tmp08-03-20081509-[FTP] [HTTP]
.file.idx08-03-20084201-[FTP] [HTTP]
.search.idx08-03-20084197-[FTP] [HTTP]
00files.txt06-04-20055673-[FTP] [HTTP]
00filesd.txt06-04-20055673-[FTP] [HTTP]
00global.txt06-04-20051509-[FTP] [HTTP]
00globald.txt06-04-20051509-[FTP] [HTTP]
q2_3dnow_os2.zip15-02-1999934298K6-2/3DNow! OS/2 support package for Win32OS2+Quake2[FTP] [HTTP]
qmaps.zip03-09-19978450926A collection of maps for Quake[FTP] [HTTP]
qspy2_b1.zip01-07-199736704QuakeSpy/2 beta 1 - a utility to get stats from Quake servers[FTP] [HTTP]
qstat-16b3-emx.zip21-04-199787147qstat - get statistics from Quake servers[FTP] [HTTP]
qstat.zip03-05-200488832QStat Version 1.6 beta3 (1997/04/03). QStat is a command-line program that gathers real-time statistics from Internet game servers. Most supported games are of the first person shooter variety (Quake, Half-Life, etc).[FTP] [HTTP]
quake.zip26-06-19962073OS/2 Settings & icon for Quake under OS/2. (Req: Object Desktop v1.5)[FTP] [HTTP]
quake2-os2-src.zip21-10-20021559398Quake 2 for OS/2 sources[FTP] [HTTP]
quake2-os2.zip21-10-2002733425Quake 2 for OS/2 binaries[FTP] [HTTP]
quakinst.zip02-07-199618086Desktop Object script for ID software's QUAKE[FTP] [HTTP]
qwclos2_4.zip02-06-2003399379QuakeWorld 2.40 client for OS/2 (fix 4)[FTP] [HTTP]
qwsrcos2.zip28-09-20011607717QuakeWorld 2.40 sources for OS/2, under GNU GPL[FTP] [HTTP]
qwsrcos2_1.zip04-10-20011608591QuakeWorld 2.40 sources for OS/2, under GNU GPL (fix 1)[FTP] [HTTP]
qwsrcos2_2.zip09-11-20011614547QuakeWorld 2.40 sources for OS/2, under GNU GPL (fix 2)[FTP] [HTTP]
qwsrcos2_3.zip07-01-20021596600QuakeWorld 2.40 sources for OS/2, under GNU GPL (fix 3)[FTP] [HTTP]
qwsrcos2_4.zip02-06-20031596631QuakeWorld 2.40 sources for OS/2, under GNU GPL (fix 4)[FTP] [HTTP]
qwsvos2.zip28-09-2001122526QuakeWorld 2.40 server for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]

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