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.00index.html-275-[FTP] [HTTP]
00indexd.txt-9266-[FTP] [HTTP]
faq/08-03-20081024Frequently Asked Questions lists (FAQs)-
forum/08-03-2008512OS/2 Discussion Forum-
tips/08-03-20081536Technical tips from the OS/2 Tech Support Team-
.00tmp08-03-200877526-[FTP] [HTTP]
.file.idx08-03-200818336-[FTP] [HTTP]
.search.idx08-03-2008209259-[FTP] [HTTP]
00files.txt08-03-200819242-[FTP] [HTTP]
00filesd.txt08-03-200819242-[FTP] [HTTP]
00global.txt08-03-200877526-[FTP] [HTTP]
00globald.txt08-03-200877526-[FTP] [HTTP]
16550.doc30-01-199517959Information on using high speed 16550 UARTS for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
MIKE92E.ZIP24-09-2002440959Mike92E.INF, version 0.17[FTP] [HTTP]
appbrf.zip31-01-19952541Brief from ARA-how customers are using OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
atibem4.zip21-08-199536262Accessing the Internet by e-mail (.INF format)[FTP] [HTTP]
avarice.zip20-01-1996257213Announcement: Stardock Systems Avarice Preview[FTP] [HTTP]
benchtec.txt31-01-19953224BenchTech performance measurement tool press release[FTP] [HTTP]
bestmba.zip27-05-1995575436The Best of MBA, in .INF format[FTP] [HTTP]
catsmeow.zip30-01-1995294037Collection of homebrew recipies in .INF format[FTP] [HTTP]
cdbook.zip30-01-19951728Contents of the IBM OS/2 Online Book Collection[FTP] [HTTP]
certify.zip08-07-199511253Special offer for OS/2 certification handbooks[FTP] [HTTP]
conf9108.txt31-01-199535582CompuServe conference with Lee Reiswig (8/91)[FTP] [HTTP]
cooa2.zip26-06-1995526320.INF archive of comp.os.os2.announce (Jan-Jun)[FTP] [HTTP]
csp2ad.txt30-01-19951126Free Demo of IBM CSP/2AD available[FTP] [HTTP]
cssos2.zip29-04-1999141610WDG's Guide to Cascading Style Sheets in .INF format[FTP] [HTTP]
cua91.txt30-01-199519812IBM SAA Common User Access Controls Library/2[FTP] [HTTP]
dcf2info.txt31-01-19951698Information on DCF/2 Disk Compression Facility[FTP] [HTTP]
desktour.zip19-02-19972572018Warp 4 Desktop Tour (HTML format)[FTP] [HTTP]
eros.zip20-01-199746366Eros Ramazzotti's 1996 album, translated to english[FTP] [HTTP]
erratadd.zip31-01-19956651Errata for Writing Device Drivers in C-Mastrianni[FTP] [HTTP]
ftnguide.nat30-01-199516954IBM Field Television Network broadcast guide[FTP] [HTTP]
galciv.zip30-01-1995106574Announcment -- Galatic Civilization OS/2 game[FTP] [HTTP]
galciv2.zip20-01-1996421757Announcement: Stardock Systems Galactic Civilization 2[FTP] [HTTP]
galcivtm.zip05-12-200359734os2/info[FTP] [HTTP]
galcivwt.zip09-02-19956937Galactic Civilizations getting started, release 1.1[FTP] [HTTP]
gamdev2.zip08-10-1996451683Information guide for PM game development[FTP] [HTTP]
gbu109.zip23-07-199584161Good, Bad, and Ugly hardware List v1.09[FTP] [HTTP]
gw66v.zip31-01-19951638How to install OS/2 2.0 on a Gateway 2000 4DX2-66V[FTP] [HTTP]
hactos2.zip31-01-199517461Information on HyperAct, Inc. Products[FTP] [HTTP]
hpfserr.zip30-01-19952964Text file explaning HPFS386 Internal Errors[FTP] [HTTP]
html40os2.zip15-06-1999175256WDG's HTML 4.0 reference in .inf format[FTP] [HTTP]
ibmww.zip09-10-199552580IBM's Worldwide Electronic Resource Guide[FTP] [HTTP]
infdisk.txt31-01-1995470Info on Chili Pepper Software Infinite Disk[FTP] [HTTP]
infworld.zip23-06-1997819525Infoworld forum on invalidation of OS/2 win[FTP] [HTTP]
isvbet.zip31-01-199529426OS/2 32-bit Applications for Beta Testing[FTP] [HTTP]
isvbeta.txt31-01-199596726ISV/Customer Interaction program[FTP] [HTTP]
ivleague.txt31-01-19959529List of OS/2 support organizations/people[FTP] [HTTP]
jargn299.zip30-01-1995785712A series of .INF files which explain computer jargon[FTP] [HTTP]
ljv.txt31-01-19951557Announcement: LJV utilities for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
macardic.zip09-03-19981120448@Macarlo's Warp 4.0 Tips & Tricks on-line for OS/2 Brazilian users[FTP] [HTTP]
merl0724.zip24-07-1996257188Connect the world with Merlin, Update #9 July 24, 1996[FTP] [HTTP]
merl0809.zip09-08-1996232803Connect the world with Merlin, Update #10 - August 9, 1996[FTP] [HTTP]
merl0906.zip06-09-1996101765Connect the world with Merlin, Update #12 - September 06, 1996[FTP] [HTTP]
merl0920.zip20-09-199690340Connect the world with Merlin, Update #13 - September 20, 1996[FTP] [HTTP]
merl1004.zip04-10-1996341280Connect the world with Merlin, Update #14 - October 4, 1996[FTP] [HTTP]
merlinpr.zip06-09-1996198401Press Announcement about Merlin[FTP] [HTTP]
mike136.zip30-09-2003670070Mike136.INF, version 1.44[FTP] [HTTP]
mike146.zip19-05-2004746425Mike146.INF, version 1.45[FTP] [HTTP]
os2_apps.txt30-01-1995176616IBMs list of all 16-bit OS/2 applications[FTP] [HTTP]
os2applicationsurvey.zip03-11-1996870Application Survey. Complete, return and help shape OS/2's future[FTP] [HTTP]
os2award.zip15-03-1995140780IBM-produced listing of OS/2's Awards and Press Clips[FTP] [HTTP]
os2books.txt30-01-199513863A list of programming-related OS/2 books[FTP] [HTTP]
os2cfg11.zip12-06-199545892Rick Meigs' comprehensive description of the CONFIG.SYS[FTP] [HTTP]
os2dir25.zip22-03-1996141002OS/2 World Wide Web Directory[FTP] [HTTP]
os2fd_10.zip31-01-199590914DOS/4OS2 descriptions of OS/2 files[FTP] [HTTP]
os2flist.txt31-01-1995148471Listing/description of OS/2 system files[FTP] [HTTP]
os2inside.zip19-12-20002680772!German! inf-based knowledge base from the magazine OS/2 Inside.[FTP] [HTTP]
os2mag.zip07-02-1997988295OS/2 Magazine Article Database (final version)[FTP] [HTTP]
os2ppc.zip27-10-1998458466Details about OS/2 for Power PC[FTP] [HTTP]
os2prob.txt31-01-19958382OS/2 2.0 Problem Report Form[FTP] [HTTP]
os2show.zip31-01-19951270251OS/2 2.0 32-bit showcase - listing of 32-bit progs[FTP] [HTTP]
os2tcpip.zip30-01-199546446Information on IBM TCP/IP 1.2[FTP] [HTTP]
os2tools_br.zip15-06-19991455904Review about OS/2 tools for Brazilian OS/2 users[FTP] [HTTP]
os2tools_br16a.zip15-06-19991507937Review about OS/2 tools for Brazilian OS/2 users[FTP] [HTTP]
os2tour2.zip09-06-19973852361OS/2 Warp 4 Descriptive Slideshow, Desktop Tour[FTP] [HTTP]
os2undoc.zip15-06-199947832Undocumented Feature of OS/2 (INF)[FTP] [HTTP]
os2web21.zip02-06-199715477Web page with many IBM OS/2 and related links[FTP] [HTTP]
os2wish.zip31-01-1995398963OS/2 wishlist[FTP] [HTTP]
os2world.zip30-01-199563578OS/2 BBSes around the world[FTP] [HTTP]
os2zipmag_os2_no_cim.zip17-05-19963932OS/2 Zipmag, out in the next 3 days - CompuServe dropping cim support[FTP] [HTTP]
pafupdate.zip17-07-20079435PAF for OS/2 Update Guide[FTP] [HTTP]
pasgim.zip31-01-1995518342Online Personal AS/2 General Information Manual[FTP] [HTTP]
pci.zip03-06-199547387PCI hardware for OS/2 information[FTP] [HTTP]
pgp26ui.txt30-01-19951662PGP 2.6ui availability announcement[FTP] [HTTP]
prnmap.txt31-01-199515541Listing of printers with corresponding driver names[FTP] [HTTP]
ps2ref.zip31-01-1995448058General PS/2 info[FTP] [HTTP]
quatec.txt30-01-19958870Info on Quatech communications adapters[FTP] [HTTP]
rdmeinf.zip31-01-199560189OS/2 2.0 README in the .INF format[FTP] [HTTP]
redbk1.zip31-01-1995472449IBM OS/2 2.0 Redbook 1: Control Program[FTP] [HTTP]
redbk2.zip31-01-1995724504IBM OS/2 2.0 Redbook 2: DOS and Windows Environment[FTP] [HTTP]
redbk3.zip31-01-1995436082IBM OS/2 2.0 Redbook 3: PM and Workplace Shell[FTP] [HTTP]
redbk4.zip31-01-1995467551IBM OS/2 2.0 Redbook 4: Application Development[FTP] [HTTP]
redsha.zip31-01-19951028Announcement: Red Shark Nymbus Multimedia tool suite[FTP] [HTTP]
s3info.zip30-01-19956447Info on 16-bit S3 display drivers[FTP] [HTTP]
shipyards.zip25-02-1995446926Shipyards announcement, GalCiv game add-on[FTP] [HTTP]
sidekick.zip27-09-1995351416OS/2 Warp Programmer's Sidekick information[FTP] [HTTP]
sonnet.zip30-01-199585168Shakespeare sonnets in INF viewable format[FTP] [HTTP]
soytxt.zip30-01-199514026Transcript of GEnie Chat with John Soyring[FTP] [HTTP]
spockmay.zip31-01-1995534018Spocks Logic Information Systems OS/2 Resource[FTP] [HTTP]
spork.zip25-02-199527648Judge Sporkin's Opinion rejecting MS & DOJ decree[FTP] [HTTP]
stac.os231-01-19954981Announcement: Stacker for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
stardock97.zip07-02-19971610990Information on Stardock's native OS/2 products[FTP] [HTTP]
strategy.txt30-01-199564291IBM Personal Software Products: Product Line Update[FTP] [HTTP]
svga20.txt31-01-199513191OS/2 2.0 SVGA information from the net[FTP] [HTTP]
svgabn.zip31-01-199528714PM Benchmark Results for 1024x768 device drivers[FTP] [HTTP]
tapesw.doc31-01-19951145List of OS/2 compatible tape backup software[FTP] [HTTP]
tcpip12.ann30-01-199539898Announcement: IBM TCP/IP 1.2 for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
tcpip121.txt30-01-19952857How to get IBM TCP/IP 1.2.1[FTP] [HTTP]
teamos2.zip31-01-1995142436Vicci Conways TEAM OS/2 listing 05/31/93[FTP] [HTTP]
telusadsl.zip15-11-1999289549Canadian Telus.net (BCTel) ADSL instructions[FTP] [HTTP]
tinf34.zip30-01-1995649185Listing of OS/2 programs (.INF format) version 3.4[FTP] [HTTP]
tjbench.zip31-01-19954123OS/2 2.0 Service Pak Benchmarks under DOS[FTP] [HTTP]
unix20.txt31-01-19953712Unix to OS/2 2.0 Migration Workshop Description&Survey[FTP] [HTTP]
video2.zip31-01-19953514Assessment of video cards with OS/2 2.x support[FTP] [HTTP]
vt100.tst30-01-19953189VT100-series Torture Test[FTP] [HTTP]
vtdtipsd.inf14-01-199712288VoiceType Tips for Warp 4, German Only[FTP] [HTTP]
walnutcd.txt31-01-19951446Get the entire ftp-os2 archive on CD-ROM![FTP] [HTTP]
warpinfo.zip14-07-1995383718Screenshots and press releases for Warp[FTP] [HTTP]
wilburo2.zip15-06-199970808WDG's HTML 3.2 reference in .inf format[FTP] [HTTP]
winbench.txt31-01-199510194Benchmarking WIndows and OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
write.zip31-01-199515512Form letters asking for OS/2 products/support[FTP] [HTTP]
wrpin112.zip14-07-199524270Warp Installation Notes release 1.12[FTP] [HTTP]
xgaps2.ann30-01-199570656Product Announcement: IBM PS/2 XGA-2 Display Adapter/A[FTP] [HTTP]
zpmag1.zip26-06-1996939056Support mag for OS/2, Icons, reviews, etc.[FTP] [HTTP]

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