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Directory: /system/patches Updated: Mar 9, 2008
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(Local download):
.00index.html-295-[FTP] [HTTP]
00indexd.txt-11780-[FTP] [HTTP]
fixpack/08-03-20081024official fixpacks from IBM-
mixed/08-03-20081024patches applying to multiple versions of OS/2-
v2.x/08-03-20081024patches specific to OS/2 v2.x-
warp_3/08-03-20081024patches specific to Warp 3-
warp_4/08-03-2008512patches specific to Warp 4-
.00tmp08-03-200828802-[FTP] [HTTP]
.file.idx08-03-200824610-[FTP] [HTTP]
.search.idx08-03-200868734-[FTP] [HTTP]
00files.txt08-03-200828339-[FTP] [HTTP]
00filesd.txt08-03-200828339-[FTP] [HTTP]
00global.txt08-03-200828802-[FTP] [HTTP]
00globald.txt08-03-200828802-[FTP] [HTTP]
102upd.zip12-06-19951056942Symantec Fastback/2 v1.02 upgrade[FTP] [HTTP]
123dde.zip19-02-19953967Lotus 1-2-3 v2.0 docs addendum for DDE[FTP] [HTTP]
123inst.zip19-02-199590122Lotus 1-2-3 v2.0 fix for install program[FTP] [HTTP]
123rexx.zip19-02-199579681Lotus 1-2-3 v.20 REXX interface[FTP] [HTTP]
1stpatch.zip30-01-19951756376patch for the IBM C/C++ FirstStep Tools Version 2.01[FTP] [HTTP]
586npx.zip28-02-19952054Pentium floating point bug fix for Warp[FTP] [HTTP]
66ibm13.exe10-12-200453676NCR - High speed drivers patch for IBM OS/2 1.3 (1995-01-13)[FTP] [HTTP]
Impos2e.zip06-02-1997704127v.2e Fix for Impos/2 (files dated July 1996)[FTP] [HTTP]
PIMPatch.zip26-02-19973340Patches BonusPak PIM to change the window layout to a readable format[FTP] [HTTP]
aha164.zip19-02-199514007Fix for Adaptec AHA-1640 driver[FTP] [HTTP]
amiupd3b.zip07-03-19951371671Ami Pro 3.0B update (not for 3.0 or 3.0A)[FTP] [HTTP]
aolfix.zip30-01-19956254OS/2 2.0 fix for Geoworks/America Online[FTP] [HTTP]
apar5100.zip30-01-199539227.INF file listing fixes in CSD WR05100 for OS/2 1.3[FTP] [HTTP]
atm16.zip12-06-1995178350Run ATM 3.01 in Windows Standard mode w/Warp[FTP] [HTTP]
b110.zip05-10-19991636Allows application of the later FixPaks to OS/2 3.0 clients.[FTP] [HTTP]
betafix1.zip30-01-1995122036Replacement Ilink for BM C/C++ FirstStep Tools[FTP] [HTTP]
c386_e.zip30-01-1995411987Patches for Watcom C/386 (32-bit) - Level E[FTP] [HTTP]
ca20aos2.zip30-01-1995744840Patch 2.0a for CA-Realizer 2.0[FTP] [HTTP]
cdwfs553fix.zip04-11-20051396Patch to RSJ's 5.53 to display whole character table in file names (including non-english letters).[FTP] [HTTP]
cdwri-lg.zip17-07-20011151644RSJ CD-Writer patch in order to work with LG-808x Recorders[FTP] [HTTP]
cs000054.3v130-01-19951473087CSet/2 V1 (LoadDskF Diskette Image - 1 of 2)[FTP] [HTTP]
cs000054.3v230-01-19951421887CSet/2 V1 (LoadDskF Diskette Image - 2 of 2)[FTP] [HTTP]
csdwork.zip06-08-19953219360Warp Bonus Pack IBM Works CSD 1[FTP] [HTTP]
csfboot.1dk20-08-19961239593IBM OS/2 Corrective Service Facility (Disk 1 of 2)[FTP] [HTTP]
csfboot.2dk18-08-19961382441IBM OS/2 Corrective Service Facility (Disk 2 of 2)[FTP] [HTTP]
css143.zip18-07-2001636171Corrective Service Facility 1.43 (Spanish)[FTP] [HTTP]
dbox2943.zip30-01-1995163007IBM TCP/IP DOS/Windows Access Kit Update (10/15/93)[FTP] [HTTP]
dcf2updt.zip30-01-1995133950DCF/2 Release Version 1.2W (Warp Patch)[FTP] [HTTP]
diunpack303.zip18-12-200329975disk image unpack utility[FTP] [HTTP]
diunpack304b.zip12-01-200429520disk image unpack utility[FTP] [HTTP]
dlc0794.zip30-01-1995116429Updated DLLs for KASE:VIP for OS/2, v2.0[FTP] [HTTP]
dlcp0794.zip30-01-1995200001Updated DLLs for KASE:C++ for OS/2, v2.1[FTP] [HTTP]
dm151a.zip19-02-19952549751DeskMan/2 v1.51a update[FTP] [HTTP]
dm151r.zip30-01-19952416766DeskMan/2 update for Warp[FTP] [HTTP]
dobgen.zip30-01-199510969DOBGEN.EXE upgrade from KASE Systems[FTP] [HTTP]
endvdm.zip30-01-1995426A patch which will close a bootable VDM via exit[FTP] [HTTP]
extfld.zip20-05-199650412Update for Object Desktop v1.5 - Replacement OBJDEFLD.DLL[FTP] [HTTP]
faxpm.zip30-01-1995204293Fax/PM Class 1/Class 2 fax modem patched drivers[FTP] [HTTP]
fbcrwarp.zip21-05-19955621Make Symantec Fastback/2 Crash Recovery work w/Warp[FTP] [HTTP]
flgpatch.txt30-01-19951313How to patch Lotus Freelance for OS/2 2.0[FTP] [HTTP]
fp1051.zip30-01-19951252071Footprint Works for OS/2 update, Disk 1 of 2[FTP] [HTTP]
fp1052.zip30-01-19951041784Footprint Works for OS/2 update, Disk 2 of 2[FTP] [HTTP]
fp105w.zip30-01-1995278608Footprint Works 1.05 patch for problems w/importing[FTP] [HTTP]
fwadp28.zip07-01-199664649FaxWorks Lite patch for USR Sportster 28800 FAX Modems[FTP] [HTTP]
gcfix06b.zip01-12-19951086672Galactic Civilizations Apply Fix Number 6B[FTP] [HTTP]
gpfupd.zip20-10-19952677322Gpf 2.1 update to level B1[FTP] [HTTP]
halite.zip30-01-1995218165Hyperaccess Lite update for Warp Bonus Pack[FTP] [HTTP]
hebwarpd.zip02-09-19954047770Add Hebrew support to OS/2 Warp[FTP] [HTTP]
hebwfw5.zip02-09-1995973668Installation patches for Hebrew Warp[FTP] [HTTP]
hpfs386-ip08532.zip28-02-2001177829Latest fixes for HPFS386, taken from IP08532[FTP] [HTTP]
ibmkbd.zip30-01-19953492Fix probs with keyboard special keys and install hang[FTP] [HTTP]
instb.zip30-01-19951450264Install 3 1/2' version of OS/2 2.0 from drive B:[FTP] [HTTP]
instlfix.zip30-01-19951481A fix for OS/2 2.0 installation problems on non-IBMS[FTP] [HTTP]
ip7060b.zip12-06-19956522156IBM LAN Server 3.0 ServicePak U.S. (3.50')[FTP] [HTTP]
ip7060d.zip12-06-19956297904IBM LAN Server 3.0 ServicePak U.S. (5.25')[FTP] [HTTP]
jr07011.zip03-02-1995124545Extended Services V1.0 APAR JR070011 for hostprint[FTP] [HTTP]
lcu.zip14-12-200687357Latest LAN CID utility (8705)[FTP] [HTTP]
loaddskf.exe15-08-199613634Creates diskettes from FixPack image files[FTP] [HTTP]
lprpatch.zip26-06-199525553IBM TCP/IP patch, get rid of banner page w/lpr[FTP] [HTTP]
lptx.zip30-01-19956405LPTX.SYS from Lexmark, corrects server lockups[FTP] [HTTP]
lr11f.zip30-03-1995367587LinkRight 1.1F patch, patches v1.1/1.1D/1.1E[FTP] [HTTP]
lr11g.zip23-07-1995511465LinkRight 1.1g patch, patches LinkRight 1.1 & 1.1D[FTP] [HTTP]
ls30fix.zip09-02-19951525992A collection of LAN Server 3.0 fixes[FTP] [HTTP]
ls30hpfs.zip30-01-1995207057Lan Server 3.0X HPFS386 FIXES - 101394 BUILD[FTP] [HTTP]
netsrv.zip30-01-19952107A fix for Novell Netware Lite 1.0[FTP] [HTTP]
netwlsrv.zip30-01-19952107Patch to allow NetWare Lite Server to run in a VDM[FTP] [HTTP]
newkickr.zip19-10-19961489609Updated Kicker Set for Applying Warp Fixpacks[FTP] [HTTP]
newstack.zip12-03-2004702570Fixes crashes in afinetk.sys/socketsk.sys with p2p apps/java/injoy/etc[FTP] [HTTP]
newwarpcenter.zip04-04-20002200591Adds the OS/2 4.0 WarpCenter to OS/2 3.0[FTP] [HTTP]
nodot.zip11-03-19951605Remove annoying dot from UK Warp bootup screen[FTP] [HTTP]
nr2v109.zip09-02-1995747344TCP/IP NewsReader/2 v1.09 update[FTP] [HTTP]
od20fk4.zip08-03-2001366399Object Desktop 2.0 FixKit 4[FTP] [HTTP]
od20wos2.zip19-03-200137719Object Desktop 2.0 look for WIN-OS/2 (08.03.2001)[FTP] [HTTP]
odfix.zip18-06-200415156fixes for Object Desktop v1.5 & 2.0[FTP] [HTTP]
odfxkt4e.zip20-02-1996577383Object Desktop, fixkit #4a[FTP] [HTTP]
opengl.zip19-05-20034606748OpenGL 1.1 for OS2. Gold Release (1997/Jun/10). Includes DLL, Libs, C++ Samples code.[FTP] [HTTP]
opengl_gold_110.wpi01-09-20045375633OpenGL Gold 1.1 for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
os2_win311.zip29-11-199989902patch for Win 3.11 compatibility in 2.11 for Windows[FTP] [HTTP]
os2acad.zip30-01-1995184217Run AutoCAD Rel. 12 in a full-screen DOS session[FTP] [HTTP]
os2games.zip30-01-1995383033OS/2 Warp v3.00 Chess and Klondike Game update[FTP] [HTTP]
os2memu4.zip12-11-19969666Replacement OS20MEMU.DLL for the OS/2 Memory Usage Display Tool[FTP] [HTTP]
os2p10.zip25-12-1995745605Latest LANtastic for OS/2 patches[FTP] [HTTP]
os2tls.zip30-01-1995273061WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows OS/2 WPS Integration Tools[FTP] [HTTP]
p1b21c.zip30-01-1995208224Patches for DCF/2 1.1b disk compression[FTP] [HTTP]
palett.zip30-01-199524870A fix for Lotus Freelance Palette problems[FTP] [HTTP]
patch_lf.txt30-01-19951731Patching Lotus Freelance to install on OS/2 2.0[FTP] [HTTP]
patchldr.zip15-11-200435759Patch to fix the OS/2 >64MeB memory detection defect found with recent BIOSes (improved), and some other misbehaving recent BIOS's. This is the June 2003 version.[FTP] [HTTP]
pgmgc1.zip30-01-199592606IBM TCP/IP 2.0 Programmers Toolkit CSD UN57887[FTP] [HTTP]
pj04056.zip30-01-199512621PJ04056, fix for problems w/2456 SCSI scanner[FTP] [HTTP]
pj27750uni.zip06-02-2002141997Fix for PJ27750: DH_KILLPROC DOESN'T WORK IN WSEB/MCP/ACP.[FTP] [HTTP]
playv.zip09-10-19954068PLAY.CMD file patch for MMPM, reduces volume[FTP] [HTTP]
pliifx.zip30-01-199544614IBM PL/I Package/2 v1.1.1 installation fix[FTP] [HTTP]
pmdpat.zip30-01-199520545Patch to allow C-Set++ debugger to run after June 1[FTP] [HTTP]
pmr4x565.zip30-01-19958707Fix for loginunix.exe included with TCP/IP CSD UN37938[FTP] [HTTP]
pmwordu.zip30-01-199545782OS/2 2.x Patch for MS PM Word 1.1a (or earlier)[FTP] [HTTP]
pn52335.zip30-01-199551769Cello fix for IBM TCP/IP v2.0[FTP] [HTTP]
pn68589.zip12-06-199597559IBM TCP/IP APAR PN68589, change send/rcv. buffer sizes[FTP] [HTTP]
qw4r4cd.zip30-01-199554402QUICKEN 4 FOR WINDOWS, RELEASE 3 patch[FTP] [HTTP]
qw4r7cd.zip06-08-1995613177Quicken 4 for Windows, release 7 patch for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
r201fx.zip30-01-1995113665OS/2 Novell Netware Requester 2.01 patch[FTP] [HTTP]
r210ft.zip30-01-1995727680v2.1 NetWare Client for OS/2 Patches[FTP] [HTTP]
rz20bw.zip20-08-2003709632patch 2.0b for CA-realizer 2.00[FTP] [HTTP]
scopart.zip30-01-19951984A SCO Unix script which allows OS/2 2.0 to boot also[FTP] [HTTP]
simcty26.zip15-09-1995336681SimCity Classic for OS/2, upgrade from v2.4 to v2.6[FTP] [HTTP]
slipv123.zip30-01-199552080SLIP driver for OS/2, fixes dialer refresh (>TCP2.0)[FTP] [HTTP]
sndwrk12.zip28-04-199522076Fix Windows system sound drop out in seamless Win-OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
sndwrk20.zip14-02-1996157371Lets windows release the sound card when not in use[FTP] [HTTP]
sr4-61070.zip13-11-20031742792BIOS Update for IBM ServeRAID 4 controllers[FTP] [HTTP]
svtoolb1.zip12-06-1995707091LAN Server NTS/2 LAPS service tool U.S. (3.5')[FTP] [HTTP]
svtoold1.zip12-06-1995481620LAN Server NTS/2 LAPS service tools U.S. (5.25')[FTP] [HTTP]
sysinfo.zip14-12-1995840684Bonus pack system information tool update v3.05[FTP] [HTTP]
syslvls3.zip29-05-19951169Warp syslevel patch for S3-based video cards[FTP] [HTTP]
tcp43fix.exe17-07-2001993595Fixes the dreaded TRAP 000e:c322 errors on TCP 4.3[FTP] [HTTP]
tcpip43fix.zip20-06-2000668883fix for crash in tcp/ip 4.3 w/dialer[FTP] [HTTP]
tdgx.zip30-01-1995593053New tddebug.dll (1.01) for Borland TurboDebugger[FTP] [HTTP]
tvfix.zip27-04-1995923605IBM PSM OEM solutions Warp TV MMPM/2 fixes[FTP] [HTTP]
umail1.zip09-02-199582250Ultimail Lite update for Warp Bonus Pack[FTP] [HTTP]
updcd240.zip18-12-20032640433Update OS/2 installation CD-ROM with fixpaks[FTP] [HTTP]
updcd250.zip13-05-20052984282Update OS/2 installation CD-ROM with fixpaks[FTP] [HTTP]
updcd260.zip29-01-20073393312Update OS/2 installation CD-ROM with fixpaks[FTP] [HTTP]
usbpatch.zip30-08-20002251Patch to allow OS/2 to use VIA USB Chipset[FTP] [HTTP]
vdmlink.zip30-01-19958564Debug DOS programs in VDMs w/Watcom compilers[FTP] [HTTP]
vm2012.zip03-07-1995100327VM Fix 2.0.12 for Digitalk Smalltalk VOS2[FTP] [HTTP]
vwin32s.zip14-07-19956978Fix Win32S problems with WIN-OS/2 & Warp for Windows[FTP] [HTTP]
vxga_fix.zip30-01-199513525Fix CatsEye XGA-2 to work correctly w/a 64K aperture[FTP] [HTTP]
warpcenter.zip16-03-2000651236Adds the OS/2 4.0 WarpCenter to OS/2 3.0[FTP] [HTTP]
warpdump.zip09-02-199512979IBM PSP upgrade for standalone dump code[FTP] [HTTP]
webkoi.zip17-09-199525172IBM Web Explorer patch for displaying ALT cyrillic docs[FTP] [HTTP]
wf10_7.zip30-01-1995926505IBM WorkFrame/2 version 1.0 CSD #7[FTP] [HTTP]
wf21_2.zip30-01-1995620915IBM WorkFrame/2 version 2.1 CSD #2[FTP] [HTTP]
wf21_3.zip25-02-19952014410Workframe/2 v2.1 CSD #3 (OS/2 Warp patches)[FTP] [HTTP]
wfwin10.zip28-10-19951306976Warp (family) INSTALL disk updates from Fixpack #10[FTP] [HTTP]
wfwin5.zip05-03-1995973700Warp for Windows INSTALL diskette fixes[FTP] [HTTP]
win32s.zip24-12-199515335OS/2 Win32s 1.25 support patch[FTP] [HTTP]
wkickr.zip20-11-19962057201Corrective Service Facility disks for installing OS/2 FixPacks, release F1.33[FTP] [HTTP]
wkscsdb2.zip03-06-19953171129IBM Works Beta 2 CSD[FTP] [HTTP]
wksfix1.zip02-12-1995420013IBM Works spreadsheet rounding problems fix[FTP] [HTTP]
wr08620t.zip27-07-1999352003TCP/IP Stack Update for MPTS WR08620 (Only)[FTP] [HTTP]
xga2dmqs.zip30-01-199522443*UNSUPPORTED* DMQS files for the XGA-2 adapter[FTP] [HTTP]

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