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Directory: /util/wps Updated: Mar 9, 2008
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(Local download):
.00index.html-283-[FTP] [HTTP]
00indexd.txt-29082-[FTP] [HTTP]
.00tmp08-03-200829082-[FTP] [HTTP]
.file.idx08-03-2008100515-[FTP] [HTTP]
.search.idx08-03-2008100511-[FTP] [HTTP]
00files.txt28-01-2008158764-[FTP] [HTTP]
00filesd.txt28-01-2008158764-[FTP] [HTTP]
00global.txt28-01-200829082-[FTP] [HTTP]
00globald.txt28-01-200829082-[FTP] [HTTP]
3db.zip15-01-20031956713DBar 0.7 Beta /10-02-1997) - by TIME Soft. 1997.[FTP] [HTTP]
9live121.zip15-01-2003721469 Lives Version 1.21.(29-Jan-1994) 9 Lives gives you[FTP] [HTTP]
9lives-hck.zip15-01-2003724959 Lives 1.21 SDD hack (1994-Jan-29). This is a hack[FTP] [HTTP]
addico11.zip15-01-20035187AddIcon Version 1.1 (July 11, 1992) by Timothy F.[FTP] [HTTP]
allinf.zip15-01-20035965tool that search for *.inf files in your hard disk and creates a folder with all inf files shadows on it.[FTP] [HTTP]
amber1-0-0.wpi11-12-20071266320Yellow tinted folder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
amethyst1-0-0.wpi11-12-20071444313Purple tinted folder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
animator.zip19-07-2001601122WPS Enhancer for window Open/Close animation[FTP] [HTTP]
aqua.zip15-01-200334719Candybars Aqua Theme. (2000-03-06) MacOS X alike theme. You need candybar installed to use it.[FTP] [HTTP]
archive.zip15-01-20038907Free OS/2 archiver tool (archive every 'x' days)(1999-10-13)[FTP] [HTTP]
basicblk1-0-1.wpi06-12-20071329339Basic black folder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
basicbrn1-0-0.zip20-11-2007926493Basic brown folder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
basicfolder1-0-1.zip08-11-20071146526Basicfolder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
basicgrn1-0-1.wpi11-12-2007958655Basic green folder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
basicpurp1-0-0.wpi02-01-2008945228Flat angled purple folder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
basicred1-0-1.wpi11-12-20071290626Basic red folder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
basicyel1-0-1.wpi11-12-20071257821Basic yellow folder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
bf_blue1-0-0.zip08-11-2007933202Basicfolder Blue icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
bf_brown1-0-0.zip08-11-2007841242Basicfolder Brown icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
bf_white1-0-0.zip08-11-2007846469Basicfolder White icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
bf_wine1-0-0.zip12-11-2007869872Basicfolder Wine icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
black_window_themes.wpi02-01-2008397694black window themes for ECS[FTP] [HTTP]
blackboard1-0-0.zip05-11-2007605434Blackboard icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
blckh3.zip15-01-200335382Tool that will create a delete icon called blackhole[FTP] [HTTP]
blueboard1-0-0.zip05-11-2007563202Blueboard icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
bluefilecab1-0-0.zip05-11-20071987424Bluefilecab icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
boincwdgt.zip26-11-20071495Boinc5 client work unit monitor Xcenter/eCenter widget[FTP] [HTTP]
brn_tint1-0-0.wpi11-12-20071300543Brown tinted folder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
btask10a.zip15-01-200373421a Task Switcher, a different Window List, so to speak. It is small enough and should not interfere with other programs.[FTP] [HTTP]
bubblepad_v105.zip30-06-2003186834Bubblepad is a replacement class for the launchpad of Warp3/4. Flyover help for the buttons, reducing of the pad size by reordering of the buttons. Option to hide the drawer buttons. English and german version.[FTP] [HTTP]
bubblepad_v107.zip21-06-2004178193Bubblepad is a replacement class for the launchpad of Warp3/4. Flyover help for the buttons, reducing of the pad size by reordering of the buttons. Option to hide the drawer buttons. English and german version.[FTP] [HTTP]
bubpd102.zip15-01-2003142897This new class provides bubblehelp for all the buttons of your launchpad. With this enhancemant it is possible to distinguish all the 40 folders on the launchpad, which have all the same icon. Never click a wrong button again.[FTP] [HTTP]
buttons_window_themes.wpi02-01-20081253766Various button window themes for ECS[FTP] [HTTP]
cbarz130b2.zip15-01-2003545154CandyBarZ 1.30b2 (1999-07-14) andyBarZ is THE window replacement for OS/2.[FTP] [HTTP]
ccapr102.zip15-01-2003211532This program will show you pop-up screens about history, sports etc.[FTP] [HTTP]
chgct21a.zip15-01-2003310898Change Controls V 2.1a (1996-01-03) A utility to replace the default os/2 controls: Minimize, Maximize, etc.. Donationware[FTP] [HTTP]
chngbckg.zip30-04-19952465Randomly change backgrounds w/BMPs stored in ZIP files[FTP] [HTTP]
classman.zip14-02-1997422346WPS class manager written with VX REXX[FTP] [HTTP]
classmgr01.zip25-08-200320203small applet for the management of the WPS classes.[FTP] [HTTP]
cmdfl151.zip30-01-199525123CMDFldr v1.51, adds a command prompt to folder's popup[FTP] [HTTP]
cmdrun13.zip30-08-200135137OS/2 WPS replacement WPFolder/WPDisk classes[FTP] [HTTP]
console-0.1.0.zip08-10-1997149980Console window management tool (w/src)[FTP] [HTTP]
cppal030.zip19-11-200155033on-the-fly codepage switcher for PM apps[FTP] [HTTP]
crsh-010.zip23-01-199921627Create Shadows of the Most Recently Used Files[FTP] [HTTP]
css10.zip24-12-199519202Css v1.00, start command shells on a file/folder[FTP] [HTTP]
dat600e4.zip15-06-1999822505Dialog Enhancer '99 Dialog Pack file - Warp 4.0 (English)[FTP] [HTTP]
db_blue1-0-2.wpi14-01-2008885066This theme is an attempt at recreating the look of the MacOS Drawingboard theme on eComStation in blue.[FTP] [HTTP]
ddicon.zip14-12-1999866039A replacement class for WPIcon, which makes it possible to change the icon of one or more objects, by dropping them on an icon object.[FTP] [HTTP]
de.zip24-09-200111018Disk Explorer[FTP] [HTTP]
de99_200.zip15-06-1999449319Dialog Enhancer '99 Installer - Ver 2.00 (English)[FTP] [HTTP]
dereg.zip24-12-199561980DeReg, list/deregister Workplace Shell classes[FTP] [HTTP]
dereg04.zip25-02-1995182570DeRegister v0.4, deregisters Workplace Shell classes[FTP] [HTTP]
drawingboard-1-0-4.wpi02-01-2008931548Drawingboard theme for eCS 2.x (everything except sound)[FTP] [HTTP]
drgtxt39.zip02-01-2008581778DragText v3.9[FTP] [HTTP]
dw1410.zip22-01-19971379223Desktop Wizard v1.41 - 32bit Workplace shell enhancement[FTP] [HTTP]
dz175PR.zip23-10-1996188321Pre-release of the newest version of Dropzone. WPS/PM enhancement suite[FTP] [HTTP]
eCS_OS2_Ani_Mouse_Ptrs.zip21-03-2005275205Animated Mouse Pointers for eCs and OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
ecs_animated_cursors.zip08-11-200466896Contains eCS and other animated mouse cursors[FTP] [HTTP]
ecs_modified_window_themes.wpi02-01-2008246162Modified eComStation window themes[FTP] [HTTP]
ecs_os2_ani_blinkinglights_ptrs.zip24-05-200599397Animated moused pointers for eComstation and OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
ecs_os2_ani_flag_ptrs.zip13-05-2005108183Animated moused pointers for eComstation and OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
ecs_os2_ani_mouse_ptrs.zip07-07-20061054407Animated mouse pointers for eComStation and OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
ecs_os2_bkgrnds.zip08-11-20043492090Desktop background images in 1024x768x256 colors[FTP] [HTTP]
ecswindowthemes.zip03-02-20065551786133 eComStation Windows Themes[FTP] [HTTP]
edgefx.zip30-01-199538779Display marquee-style lights on your desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
estlr_utldll.zip16-10-200356109eStylerLite utility DLL update.[FTP] [HTTP]
estlrbootlist.zip24-06-200210674BootList for eStylerLite.[FTP] [HTTP]
estlrpatch.zip15-08-200234144eStyerLite for eComStation patch. Version[FTP] [HTTP]
estlrshutdown.zip15-08-20027913Command line shutdown for eStylerLite.[FTP] [HTTP]
estyler_buttons.zip02-01-2008172183Various colored and designed buttons for eStyler lite[FTP] [HTTP]
execnet.zip17-10-199717093'Program Start' object - start batchfiles hidden[FTP] [HTTP]
facelift.zip21-07-2003210722eCS facelifting howto & theme creator[FTP] [HTTP]
faticonspre.zip08-03-2001161162Fat Icons for OS/2 Warp Preview[FTP] [HTTP]
feelx11a.zip31-01-1995444683Gives X-windows like Feel to WPS[FTP] [HTTP]
fih113.zip25-06-1996123684FIH113, Frobozz Icon Heaven - Store & Assign icons with drag & drop[FTP] [HTTP]
fileb205.zip26-06-1995233187FileBar v2.05, app launcher & shell replacement[FTP] [HTTP]
fixlck10.zip18-08-20008342OS/2 WPS replacement WPObject class[FTP] [HTTP]
flip.zip09-10-199518882Flips your workplace shell screen using DIVE[FTP] [HTTP]
float.zip30-01-199514997Float v1.0, keep windows floating on top of others[FTP] [HTTP]
fo10.zip20-10-199711985Open one or more folders from commandline, bring to foreground[FTP] [HTTP]
folder.zip06-02-19967296Dialog box helps create new folder on desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
folder10.zip02-09-199711553Open WPS directory/drive objects from commandline[FTP] [HTTP]
fpos080.zip06-07-200788110a tool to clean up a forgotten corner of os2.ini[FTP] [HTTP]
ftaskbar.zip28-10-199548570FM/2 Taskbar, control running programs[FTP] [HTTP]
gfoldr.zip30-01-199592118Group Folder (IBM EWS), split folders into sections[FTP] [HTTP]
hbinspect050c.zip20-08-200347565HB Object Inspector 0.5.0c[FTP] [HTTP]
hischgct.zip28-01-1996316440CHG_CTLS [v2.1] - OS/2 titlebar customizer[FTP] [HTTP]
hotc22.zip05-10-1999160178Hot Corners 2.2[FTP] [HTTP]
hots11.zip19-01-199983637Hot Scroll 1.1[FTP] [HTTP]
icon_190.zip17-02-1999157978Icontool, manipulate objects and query objects setupstrings, version 1.90[FTP] [HTTP]
iconomize081.zip13-07-200788489a unique tool to reduce the bloat in os2.ini[FTP] [HTTP]
icontalk.zip30-01-19953688Display messages below icons/in title bars[FTP] [HTTP]
inf2icon.zip13-01-19991565Creates icons with proper names of your INF files[FTP] [HTTP]
infol102.zip30-01-199525205Infoline v1.02, display system info in a bar[FTP] [HTTP]
ini2rexx.zip28-03-200233142Converts OS/2 INI files to human editable Rexx scripts[FTP] [HTTP]
inias007.zip19-03-200130308INI Assistant 0.0.7 (10.03.2001)[FTP] [HTTP]
interc.zip30-01-199524629Intercept/disable icon arrange and desktop lockup[FTP] [HTTP]
jsort13.zip28-10-199561276Jsortpm v1.3, unlimited size/key/#key sort program[FTP] [HTTP]
kbplus12.zip05-02-1999563871Hotkey macro support for PM; use Win95 keys too. Ver. 1.2[FTP] [HTTP]
killfold.zip12-06-199524429KillFolder, closes all open folders on the desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
launchhk.zip11-09-199630012Tap pointer against desktop border to activate launchpad[FTP] [HTTP]
lockdown.zip02-02-19987116LOCKDOWN V1.03 REXX package to lockdown wps by objectid.[FTP] [HTTP]
login04.zip30-01-199583774PM login program, provides multiple desktops to WPS[FTP] [HTTP]
lowerz.zip30-01-199514119Lower a window's z-order by clocking on it[FTP] [HTTP]
lsw260cz.zip26-02-20029415Czech resources for lSwitcher 2.60, requires lsw260en.zip[FTP] [HTTP]
lsw260en.zip22-01-2002170701lSwitcher v2.60 English, feature-rich task switcher[FTP] [HTTP]
lsw260es.zip19-09-20032808Spanish resources for lSwitcher 2.60, requires lsw260en.zip[FTP] [HTTP]
lsw260ru.zip22-01-20029757Russian resources for lSwitcher 2.60, requires lsw260en.zip[FTP] [HTTP]
lsw260src.zip22-01-2002108663Source code for lSwitcher 2.60[FTP] [HTTP]
lsw26fix1src.zip16-12-2002125152Source code for lSwitcher 2.60 fix 1[FTP] [HTTP]
lsw270.zip14-04-2004243151lSwitcher v2.70 feature-rich task switcher[FTP] [HTTP]
lsw270de.zip24-05-200425900German resources for lSwitcher v2.70[FTP] [HTTP]
lsw270src.zip14-04-2004146848Source code for lSwitcher 2.70[FTP] [HTTP]
lswidget26fix1.zip16-12-200256145lSwitcher widget V2.60 fix 1 for XWorkplace[FTP] [HTTP]
mac_like_window_themes.wpi02-01-20081107935Mac_like window themes for ECS[FTP] [HTTP]
makdoc.zip30-01-19958858MakeDoc, create icons for .INF files[FTP] [HTTP]
makeobj.zip30-06-199914842MakeObj.CMD v1.05[FTP] [HTTP]
md-0-2-0.wpi19-07-2001365554Multi users/desktops for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
mdesk13.zip07-05-1996381872MDesk v1.3, a set fot desktop tools and shell replacement[FTP] [HTTP]
mdsk14.zip30-01-199533841MakeDesk v1.30, save/restore Workplace Shell desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
metal_window_themes.wpi02-01-2008992895metal window themes for ECS[FTP] [HTTP]
mig21a.zip30-01-199527064Migration Aid v1.00a, alternative to the Migration tool[FTP] [HTTP]
minall.zip18-01-199614078Minall, minimize all windows on the desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
miniapps.zip30-01-199559503Miniapps, time, date, and uptime applets (w/src)[FTP] [HTTP]
misc_window_themes.wpi02-01-20082359264Miscellaneous window themes for ECS[FTP] [HTTP]
mkey110.zip21-07-1997341996Application-dependent titlebar buttons, hotkeymanager, mousepointer animations and more[FTP] [HTTP]
mlsw101.zip30-01-199543467Microlearn Switcher, ALT+TAB task switch like Windows[FTP] [HTTP]
mnicon2.zip10-02-199619504MNIcon, WPIcon enhancement, allows drag & drop[FTP] [HTTP]
mole.zip30-01-199517222Mole III, terminate badly behaved programs[FTP] [HTTP]
monitordaemon01.zip11-03-19995443Real-time monitoring of CPU temperature and actual swap usage[FTP] [HTTP]
more_ecs_ani_mouse_ptrs.zip24-05-2005465204Animated moused pointers for eComstation[FTP] [HTTP]
more_ecs_window_themes_d.zip05-12-2003220005541 Window themes for eCS. Includes 12 new themes.[FTP] [HTTP]
mshell.zip30-01-199559129Mini PM shell for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
mshell_ow.zip08-12-200673928Mini PM shell for OS/2 Open Watcom Version[FTP] [HTTP]
mypul033.zip27-04-199543529MyPulse, an enhanced CPU monitor[FTP] [HTTP]
new_lnch.zip14-07-19953466Modify the behavior of the Warp launchpad[FTP] [HTTP]
newdl11a.zip04-07-19961785Replaces the WinFileDlg (Open File)[FTP] [HTTP]
newpad.zip27-04-199514612New Pad v1.00, create new Launchpads[FTP] [HTTP]
newurl_03.zip15-05-200689210URL object creator.[FTP] [HTTP]
newwarp.zip19-06-1997350576New look and feel for Warp 3.0 (req. HPFS)[FTP] [HTTP]
newwind.zip19-06-19971353391New windows, scrollbars, etc. for Warp 3.0[FTP] [HTTP]
nice-os2-v54.zip02-01-20081779925Nice-OS/2 Enhancer - powerful system tool. Freeware.[FTP] [HTTP]
nlook101.zip04-01-200018595Newlook theme v1.01 for CandyBarZ 1.30[FTP] [HTTP]
nmcgadgt_20060515.zip25-05-2006127855A new cool monthly calendar gadget[FTP] [HTTP]
noia_icon_theme.zip15-03-20042237503The Noia icon theme for eCS 1.1[FTP] [HTTP]
noia_icon_theme_1b.zip19-03-20041967572The Noia icon theme for eCS 1.1[FTP] [HTTP]
npsit181.zip14-03-199613256NPS WPS Enhancer - Italian version files[FTP] [HTTP]
npswa01.zip28-10-1995236512 additional window animation sets for npswp181.zip[FTP] [HTTP]
npswp182.zip26-11-1996101419NPS WPS Enhancer v1.82 - Over 20 functions enhance OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
obj_234.zip23-06-1997287861PM edit, delete, launch, inspect program objects[FTP] [HTTP]
objdskpro.zip05-08-19961061813Stardock's Object Desktop Professional[FTP] [HTTP]
od20_archview_icons.zip05-02-2002127968Replacement DLLs for Object Desktop 2.0 Archive Viewers with prettier icons[FTP] [HTTP]
odp-demo.zip08-09-19975978493Trial version of Object Desktop Professional[FTP] [HTTP]
oo110.zip06-07-200777955work with _any_ WPS object from a prompt or script[FTP] [HTTP]
open201.zip13-03-199863816Opens objects from the commandline (v2.01)[FTP] [HTTP]
os2c.zip15-11-199916383OS/2 Center - small taskbar,clock,cpu meter[FTP] [HTTP]
os2magni.zip30-01-199534274OS/2 magnification glass utility - from DAP CD[FTP] [HTTP]
pc2v220.zip04-12-20001534418PC/2 is a WPS enhancement or replacement. Features configurable program launcher, Virtual Desktops, etc.[FTP] [HTTP]
pcd219r.zip14-12-1999163208PopCD!, Pop Up CD-ROM Object Utility[FTP] [HTTP]
pcd220r.zip16-09-2004174255PopCD!, Pop Up CD-ROM Object Utility[FTP] [HTTP]
pcrunw.zip24-05-199570751PCRun, run any executable file without creating objects[FTP] [HTTP]
pgmg036.zip11-08-199560710Page Mage v0.36, virtual desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
pillbox.zip04-01-200021053A theme for CandyBarZ 1.30b2[FTP] [HTTP]
plain_jane_window_themes.wpi02-01-2008230598Plain (non-colored) window themes for ECS[FTP] [HTTP]
pmlogin.zip30-01-199511311PM login program, provides multiple desktops to WPS[FTP] [HTTP]
pmn132.zip14-07-1998146380A Sticky note program for the OS/2 Warp desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
pmopen.zip10-02-199710213PM Open - like the Run command on Win'95 start menu[FTP] [HTTP]
pmp016.zip28-01-199828625PMPause v0.16: typing monitor, OOS micropause hints[FTP] [HTTP]
pmpopup.zip30-01-19952536Write a short message to the screen in a dialog box[FTP] [HTTP]
pmpopup2.zip02-09-199525071PmPopup/2, create a configurable dialog box[FTP] [HTTP]
pmstrike.zip30-01-199535267PM Strike v1.02e, task list switcher[FTP] [HTTP]
pmswitch.zip30-01-199513062PM Switch, switch quickly between program sessions[FTP] [HTTP]
pmtposd2.zip04-11-200530066On Screen Display utility for most Thinkpad laptops[FTP] [HTTP]
pmtree30.zip30-01-1995101052Display PM window hierarchy (from IBM)[FTP] [HTTP]
pmvd025.zip30-01-199522364PMVDesk virtual desktop screen manager[FTP] [HTTP]
popup104.zip15-06-199928349Entryfield PopUp menu for cut and paste without keyboard.[FTP] [HTTP]
prcr122.zip27-01-199711820Program Creator v1.22 - create program objects easily[FTP] [HTTP]
privf.zip30-01-199555617Private Folder v1.21, password protect private folders[FTP] [HTTP]
progref.zip15-09-199520058Generate program reference objects from executables[FTP] [HTTP]
pumon2.zip15-06-199973468System monitoring tool for OS/2 PM[FTP] [HTTP]
quitprog.zip08-09-199715408Force a PM program save data and exit, from commandline (w/src)[FTP] [HTTP]
randombackground.zip03-12-200283385Script to change any WPS folder's background image[FTP] [HTTP]
reboo101.zip01-02-199912872(v1.01) Reboot/2 - creates a WPS folder for direct reboot of bootable partitions - FREEWARE[FTP] [HTTP]
recurse.zip14-01-199626311Folder Recurse v1.0, recursive WPS folder settings[FTP] [HTTP]
redboard1-0-0.zip05-11-2007552838Redboard icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
rndbgd08.zip11-03-199516538Display background bitmaps in a random fashion[FTP] [HTTP]
robosave.zip30-01-1995103140Robosave v3.04, backup your Workplace Shell desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
run.zip04-04-200097569Simple PM program launcher simliar to the winxx run dialog[FTP] [HTTP]
run_050.zip13-11-20034299Start one app from another without batch files[FTP] [HTTP]
run_060.zip16-12-20049233Start apps without scripts or config.sys entries[FTP] [HTTP]
run_java__20020707.zip08-07-200210799creates java13/131 program objects[FTP] [HTTP]
run_java__20030526.zip29-05-200325406creates java13/131 and/or java14 program objects[FTP] [HTTP]
rwx10.zip29-01-199836592RWX - a SOM Class Explorer[FTP] [HTTP]
rxast190.zip29-05-2003511608REXX Autostart ver 1.90 (2003/Apr/03). Rexx Autostartis designed to provide a workaround for timing problems that may lead to a WPS hang on startup on certain OS/2 versions and fixlevels. (by Herwig Bauernfeind with additions from Chuck McKinnis) Source Code included - GNU GPL license.[FTP] [HTTP]
rxast1911.exe13-06-2005389692RexxAutoStart - Startup utiliy[FTP] [HTTP]
sbr2_022.zip13-01-2003220896SysBar/2 ver. 0.22 - a toolbar-style utility set[FTP] [HTTP]
sbr2_022_src.zip13-01-2003396875SysBar/2 ver. 0.22 - a toolbar-style utility set (with sources)[FTP] [HTTP]
sbr2_023.zip23-09-2004221767SysBar/2 ver. 0.23 - a toolbar-style utility set[FTP] [HTTP]
sbr2_023_src.zip23-09-2004397862SysBar/2 ver. 0.23 - a toolbar-style utility set (with sources)[FTP] [HTTP]
scale.zip30-01-19959305Display grayscale using Palette Manager (source incl.)[FTP] [HTTP]
scmouse.zip15-06-199912977Easy access to Warp Center by mouse moving[FTP] [HTTP]
sessionl_p01.zip02-10-200053523Asu'a Session List. Alternavite Window List.[FTP] [HTTP]
setbitm.zip03-06-19982475CMD to change background of desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
setdf101.zip04-04-200012464Set PM Default Font utility 1.01[FTP] [HTTP]
seticon.zip30-01-1995270953Assign an icon to one or several programs/directories[FTP] [HTTP]
setview.zip27-05-199718293change the default view of a filder, by drag-and-drop[FTP] [HTTP]
shortcut.zip25-08-199748635Shortcut - replacement of OS/2 shadow class[FTP] [HTTP]
showtime.zip14-07-1998119305Background changer and slideshow viewer[FTP] [HTTP]
sir_v1b.zip26-08-1996688288Swaps bitmaps in folders + desktop, swaps bootlogo, cleans up TMP/TEMP[FTP] [HTTP]
smbar31.zip31-07-2000611620OS/2 PM utility for monitoring various system activities[FTP] [HTTP]
smoked1-0-1.wpi11-12-20071265281Grey folder icon theme for eCS 2.x[FTP] [HTTP]
smw161.zip08-06-20001006203Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.6.1.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw163up.zip08-03-200153722Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.6.3 DLL update for all NLV.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw164de.zip17-07-2001680976Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V. German version. (untested)[FTP] [HTTP]
smw164it.zip17-07-2001686370Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V. Italian version.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw170ru.zip07-07-2003426939Russian language files for Styler/2 v.1.7[FTP] [HTTP]
smw173ru.zip16-10-200382872Russian language files for Styler/2 1.7.3[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174.zip05-12-2003451905Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174de.zip18-01-2004456773Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 - German.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174dew3.zip18-01-2004458955Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 - German.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174es.zip19-12-2003457027Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 - Spanish.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174esw3.zip19-12-2003459421Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 - Spanish.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174it.zip19-12-2003458681Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 - Italian.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174itw3.zip19-12-2003461380Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 - Italian.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174ru.zip19-12-2003457280Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 - Russian.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174ruw3.zip19-12-2003459597Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 - Russian.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174sv.zip19-12-2003459077Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 - Swedish.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174svw3.zip19-12-2003461302Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 - Swedish.[FTP] [HTTP]
smw174w3.zip05-12-2003453096Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4.[FTP] [HTTP]
smwitupd.zip21-07-2000383171Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.6.1 - Italian version (update file)[FTP] [HTTP]
sn13.zip30-01-1995101706System notebook v1.3, display system settings[FTP] [HTTP]
sndys200.zip01-03-1996212563Processes standard messages boxes automatically[FTP] [HTTP]
splash.zip27-05-199724224Freeware startup screen for OS/2[FTP] [HTTP]
square_window_themes.wpi02-01-2008428576Square window themes for ECS[FTP] [HTTP]
sspace.zip06-12-1996319486ScreenSpace - Small desktop utility to make windows autohide and more[FTP] [HTTP]
statbar.zip30-01-199527278Statbar v1.1, display many statistics on a status bar[FTP] [HTTP]
styler2_themes.zip29-03-20044130477Themes taken from the eCS_Themes package and converted over to Styler2 format.[FTP] [HTTP]
swbar.zip13-11-20009740Simple task bar for OS[FTP] [HTTP]
switcher.zip21-08-199525024Windows-like ALT+Tab Task Switcher[FTP] [HTTP]
switchto.zip21-04-199919364switch to tasks named on the command line, w/src[FTP] [HTTP]
sysset12.zip13-06-200015240OS/2 WPS System Setup class[FTP] [HTTP]
syssound.zip25-08-19993918777BocaSoft System Sounds-WPS Enhancement[FTP] [HTTP]
systray2.zip20-09-200080148Systrem Tray like WinX taskbar with monitors and other new features... With Tray API and sources...[FTP] [HTTP]
systray_1_1_release.zip24-04-2001290878Systray/2 is a complete system control center[FTP] [HTTP]
taskbar1_08.zip13-11-200387777Mark Kimes FM/2 Taskbar v1.08[FTP] [HTTP]
taskbar1_08src.zip13-11-200362014Mark Kimes FM/2 Taskbar v1.08 GPL Source Code[FTP] [HTTP]
tasktime.zip30-01-199525380Task Time, track time spent running different programs[FTP] [HTTP]
tbox3_22.zip20-10-1997235097A bar of running programs/open windows, win'95-style start menu[FTP] [HTTP]
tcn271cz.zip14-01-2000231168Workplace Shell TrashCan 2.7.1 - Czech Version[FTP] [HTTP]
tcn271de.zip14-01-2000229091Workplace Shell TrashCan 2.7.1 - German Version[FTP] [HTTP]
tcn271en.zip14-01-2000222375Workplace Shell TrashCan 2.7.1 - English Version[FTP] [HTTP]
tcn271es.zip14-01-2000224644Workplace Shell TrashCan 2.7.1 - Spanish Version[FTP] [HTTP]
tcn271fr.zip14-01-2000234349Workplace Shell TrashCan 2.7.1 - French Version[FTP] [HTTP]
tcn271jp.zip14-01-2000222595Workplace Shell TrashCan 2.7.1 - Japanese Version[FTP] [HTTP]
ticker2.zip28-06-1996683847PM Utility that displays text and bitmaps in a tickerline on desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
title.zip10-04-20074584This program modual was designed to add some missing funcitonality to OS/2.[FTP] [HTTP]
tkeep.zip30-01-199539120Timekeeper, track the time you work on tasks[FTP] [HTTP]
tl.zip30-01-19953419TL, display the Task List in the same place every time[FTP] [HTTP]
tposd105.zip15-11-2005111059On Screen Display utility for most Thinkpad laptops[FTP] [HTTP]
tposd108.zip03-01-2006113920On Screen Display utility for most Thinkpad laptops[FTP] [HTTP]
trashsqrt.zip02-12-199550142Mac-like trashcan for OS/2 Warp[FTP] [HTTP]
traymonitor12.zip10-12-200422572TrayMonitor v1.2 monitoring client utility for SysTray/WPS[FTP] [HTTP]
traymonitor13.zip16-12-200423053TrayMonitor v1.3 monitoring client utility for SysTray/WPS[FTP] [HTTP]
traymonitor14.zip18-03-200524564TrayMonitor v1.4 monitoring client utility for SysTray/WPS[FTP] [HTTP]
traymonitor15.zip29-03-200549954TrayMonitor v1.5 monitoring client utility for SysTray/WPS[FTP] [HTTP]
treefldr.zip10-02-199723175TreeFolder: see both files & folders when in tree view[FTP] [HTTP]
trshc252.zip31-08-1996818610Workplace shell trashcan v2.5.2[FTP] [HTTP]
tskbr262.zip21-10-1995417486Taskbar v2.62, switch between programs via button bar[FTP] [HTTP]
tt106.zip09-06-1998142081desktop elapsed timer[FTP] [HTTP]
udesktop.zip21-05-200230693command-line PM window manipulator[FTP] [HTTP]
ultimate.zip30-01-199530693Ultimate, recreate WPS icons and folders[FTP] [HTTP]
updini12a.zip27-11-200027630Put your OS/2 INIs on a RamDisk for faster access[FTP] [HTTP]
urlot01b.zip04-04-20005401URLObjectTool - Enhncement for Warp4 URL-Objects[FTP] [HTTP]
utlpack.zip19-03-1996559673Sheppard Software utility pack, 7 utilities[FTP] [HTTP]
vclsed10.zip16-09-199698820PM WPS Class Editor, fast and easy to use[FTP] [HTTP]
vwin.zip03-06-199889606Minimize/Restore command window via program[FTP] [HTTP]
wall340r.zip13-11-2000281340Wallpaper Changer[FTP] [HTTP]
wall350r.zip16-09-2004291198Wallpaper Changer[FTP] [HTTP]
wanda110.zip24-04-2001271644OS/2 sticky notes application.[FTP] [HTTP]
warp.zip15-06-199958283Warp-Theme for CandyBarZ 1.30 beta 1[FTP] [HTTP]
warp2merlin.zip19-09-1996411293Patch WPS with new Icons, Pointers,Fonts,Buttons from Merlin[FTP] [HTTP]
warpbar091.zip04-06-199880057A multithreaded utility that shows system information on a bar and much more[FTP] [HTTP]
wckey.zip20-10-199716488Enables a hotkey to open the desktop menu on the WarpCenter bar[FTP] [HTTP]
we025.zip27-09-1999148201Warp Enhancer v0.25 (Pre-Release of 1997/09/01)[FTP] [HTTP]
windowiz.zip22-08-199628185Hide/Show/Minimize/Restore/Close all folders or programs[FTP] [HTTP]
winxp_window_theme.zip19-03-200450064Windows XP window theme for eCS[FTP] [HTTP]
wl.zip30-01-199514607Workstation Lock, lock out keyboard use for OS/2 1.x[FTP] [HTTP]
wlm20.zip27-07-199631826Command Line utility for removing entries from window list[FTP] [HTTP]
wnote192.zip09-06-2000124287WarpNote 1.91 - Yellow stickers for the OS/2 desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
wood_window_themes.wpi02-01-2008600940Wood window themes for ECS[FTP] [HTTP]
wpcls137.zip02-12-1995162919Replacement WPS classes, add extra functionality[FTP] [HTTP]
wpdrv10.zip07-10-20043889OS/2 WPS replacement WPDrives class[FTP] [HTTP]
wpdsc093.zip02-12-1995101884WPSDsc v0.93, Replacement WPS classes for descriptions[FTP] [HTTP]
wpfld184.zip30-01-199534944WPFld v1.84, WPFolder class extension for WPS[FTP] [HTTP]
wppic11.zip29-04-199746633Workplace Shell class that displays a bitmap in a window[FTP] [HTTP]
wpprg184.zip30-01-199540558WPPrgExt v1.84, WPProgram class extension for WPS[FTP] [HTTP]
wps2rexx.zip30-01-199563239Convert Workplace Shell desktop to a REXX script[FTP] [HTTP]
wpsam20u.zip30-01-1995276861WPSam, Workplace Shell multiple desktop manager[FTP] [HTTP]
wpsbara1.zip24-04-2001108515WarpCenter replacement[FTP] [HTTP]
wpsbk401.zip26-06-1995325074WPS Backup v4.01, save/restore Workplace Shell desktop[FTP] [HTTP]
wpscre15.zip01-01-199618010wpsCreate v1.5, create WPS desktop objects[FTP] [HTTP]
wpsdscr.zip17-09-199569242Add descriptions to folders details view in WPS[FTP] [HTTP]
wpsdump-0.1.zip20-10-200584723WPS Dump 0.1[FTP] [HTTP]
wpsec215.zip06-11-1996909778Workplace Security v2.1.5 - Password protect OS/2 desktop objects[FTP] [HTTP]
wpssafe1.zip30-01-1995103662Freeware Workplace Shell backup/restore, uses GTAK tar[FTP] [HTTP]
wpswizard-0_5_0-eng.zip12-03-2004852945WPS-Wizard V0.5.0. free WPS classes to add different custom menus to any filesystem object, info area and toolbars to folders. REXX interface to the WPS.[FTP] [HTTP]
wpswizard-0_5_0-ger.zip12-03-2004860370WPS-Wizard V0.5.0. free WPS classes to add different custom menus to any filesystem object, info area and toolbars to folders. REXX interface to the WPS.[FTP] [HTTP]
wpswizard-0_5_1-eng.zip15-03-2004921177WPS-Wizard V0.5.1. free WPS classes to add different custom menus to any filesystem object, info area and toolbars to folders. REXX interface to the WPS and much more. English version.[FTP] [HTTP]
wpswizard-0_5_1-ger.zip15-03-2004928764WPS-Wizard V0.5.1. free WPS classes to add different custom menus to any filesystem object, info area and toolbars to folders. REXX interface to the WPS and much more. German version.[FTP] [HTTP]
wpswizard-0_5_2-eng.zip10-04-2007915981WPS-Wizard V0.5.2. free WPS classes to add different custom menus to any filesystem object, info area and toolbars to folders. REXX interface to the WPS and much more. English version.[FTP] [HTTP]
wpswizard-0_6_0-eng.zip11-12-2007871514WPS-Wizard V0.6.0. free WPS classes to add different custom menus to any filesystem object, info area and toolbars to folders. Icon engine for using PNG images. REXX interface to the WPS and much more. English version.[FTP] [HTTP]
wpswizard-icon-addon-v1.zip10-04-20075003171Addon classes for WPS-Wizard V0.5.2 for fancy PNG icons of arbitrary size.[FTP] [HTTP]
wrp2mrln.zip28-08-1996550108Patch WPS with new Icons, Pointers, Fonts, Buttons from Merlin[FTP] [HTTP]
wxtaskb4.zip31-05-200592228Task list/process killer XCenter Widget[FTP] [HTTP]
xfeel2.zip31-01-199550692A utility to make PM behave like X-Windows v2.0[FTP] [HTTP]
xit26.zip30-10-2000821433X-it 2.6 - One button zapper utility for all windows[FTP] [HTTP]
xlogo.zip09-08-199669826PM-based XLogo with source[FTP] [HTTP]
xp_window_themes.wpi02-01-2008861652XP window themes for ECS[FTP] [HTTP]
xray10.zip10-01-199756872OS/2 Utility to display PM window info (freeware)[FTP] [HTTP]
xshadow-1-1-1.zip08-11-2004376275Replacement Shadows for WPS ver 1.1.1 - allows shadow renaming and fixes lock-in-place bug. (To replace corrupt copy present on site)[FTP] [HTTP]
xwlan310.zip28-01-20081574111Wireless LAN Monitor XCenter Widget[FTP] [HTTP]

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